feeling crampy and grumpy...guess i will be out! :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Hey girls. Well I said I was trying not to get too into TTC again, but I have surprised myself with how down I feel about the crampy feeling I have. Af is due day after tomorrow and I guess she is making her imminent arrival known. We BD when I guessed I would be ovulating but seems like didn't work this time... :( think I am gonna have to order myself some OPKs...need a POAS fix!

It aint over till the fat witch says so!

Dont get yourself down flopsy Im sure it will happen soon enough :)
i have the exact same feeling as if my period would start (stomach pain) but I also feel pregnant so I don't think af like pains mean you're out. just have to wait and see :)
When I was preg with dd I dint get any crampy feelings early on. Just implantation bleeding. Although I haven't had any cramping with af since dd was born. Only when I had the mmc last october. Time will tell, I just don't have a great feeling this month.

Don't give up! I was convinced AF was about to arrive and I had cramping, a few days later we got out BFP. FX for you x
Hey girls. Well I said I was trying not to get too into TTC again, but I have surprised myself with how down I feel about the crampy feeling I have. Af is due day after tomorrow and I guess she is making her imminent arrival known. We BD when I guessed I would be ovulating but seems like didn't work this time... :( think I am gonna have to order myself some OPKs...need a POAS fix!


same here..my af is due Friday as well and I'm pretty sure I'm out. I don't have cramps but I check my cp and its hard kinda med/low so I'm pretty sure af is on her way. But until she shows we still have a chance so don't rule yourself out just yet :)
This is the part I hate...the waiting. When I got my bfp last time it was about 4 days before af was due...I had been getting stronger and stronger positive opks. It was witha first response test. But I don't want to waste the money on a negative test. And I never like to believe them when they say negative anyway! Lol

Im like that aswell lol, it went negative last month and I actually said to the test "are you sure!?" as if "liar" haha.

I dont feel optimistic atall this month.
The most frustrating thing is that af symptoms are so damn similar to bfp symptoms! The best way to symptom spot is to NOT symptom spot and hope AF doesn't arrive!

Best of luck xx
Well af is due today and cramping has stopped...I KNOW the witches game! She is hoping by stopping the cramping I will start to think "oh, maybe?..." Then she will pounce! I have a sore throat too :( I don't want af and a sore throat!

mmm, some people get the cold/stuffy when they get preggers..

how long till AF is due flopsy? xxx
Due today. So I don't know. Last time I was pregnant I had spotting before af was due. Nothing like that this month. Think its af symptoms not pregnancy. Its just annoying not knowing! If it is the witch coming...then hurry up! If not then give me a stronger sign! Lol

I was very crampy and grumpy last night, got my bfp this morning! you aren't out til she arrives!
Thanks. Also, I know cervical positions isn't a relaible symptom spotter but I just checked mine and it seems high and soft, that means af is on the way doesn't it? :(

no I think the general position for AF is low and firm?..

but then they say its not reliable as everyone is different.
I just want to know!!! I don't want to go out and buy a hpt yet only to get a negative. I never got a positive with a drs preg test or normal preg tests until I was 5 weeks reg last time. First response was the only one I got early positives with...and they are expensive! I think if deep down I guessed I was pregnant then I wouldn't mind going and getting one but because I have the gut instinct that I am not preggers that's why I won't buy a test. Just hurry up witch if you're coming...I want to order my OPKs! ;)

Awwww thats kind of like me Im stuck in limbo not knowing whether I ovd or not. Its bugging the life out of me so next month I will be charting.. I have ordered a nice new diary and stuff to go with it so that will keep me happy haha xxxx
Oh good luck with the temping...I never was any good at that! :)


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