Faint line but I cant be...


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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hey, I bd when I was ovulating last month and hoping it would be my month lol anyway af showed up on day 29 of cycle and lasted 5 days. Its been 4 days since af finished now and the past couple of days i have been having a few cramps and headaches. so today i decided to take a test (stupid i know when i got af) but when the 3 minutes were up there was a faint line there :? So now i am confused because i got af and it was normal, not lighter or shorter that usuall. Can anyone explain why i got a faint line when i still got af?
Rachel xx
hi rachel i know there are a few women who have a period every month right through their pregnancy id wait a few days and do another test if its positive see your doctor and explain whats happening and get him to test you also.
i work with a girl who is 5 months pregnant and every month has to go to hospital to get check up because she has a full normal period that lasts 5 days every month
good luck hun xxxxxxxxx
Hi Rachel

I don't want to get your hopes up, but I agree with Rach that some women can have af all the way through. We've all read those stories in the crappy magazines about women who thought they needed the toilet, went and sat there, pushed and out popped a baby. They'd had af all the way through...
Also, when I was pg with my daughter, I had normal af's for the first 2 months, loads of negative tests ( I knew I was pg) and finally the gp confirmed at 14 weeks.
I would definitely go to the doctors, or try another test in a couple of days.
Good Luck.
Hi Rachel,

Like the others have said it is possible to have your af through pregnancies, but you never know it could've been implantation bleeding, everyones different so yours may just have lasted longer than other peoples. I would wait a few more days, it's going to be the longest few days of your life, and take another test.
I don't want to put a dampner on things but some tests do have evaporation lines, what test did you use and how long did it say to wait? I know that they normally say don't read the test after that time period because of evaporation lines and the test could be read wrong.
My fingers are crossed that you do have a little bean growing inside you. Good luck and let us know what happens.

Yep I also know women who bled all the way through their pregnancies so it is still possible... will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you x
Hi Rachel

they say a negative can be false but a positive can never be false! a faint line sounds like a positive to me. I don't want to build your hopes up as i know how disapointing it can be... but like all the other girls have said try again in a day or two (if you can hold out)... i personnally don't know anyone who had a period whilst pregnant but i've heard of many stories. A girl in work had a cousin who called for an ambulance because she has awful pains - thought she was dying! but nope..... it was a baby! she was on the pill and had AF every month....she wasn't even dating!!!! it was a fling....

good luck - everything crossed for you
Thanks girls i will test again on suday morning and hopefully it will come back positive :)
Rachel x
nicki said:
Hi Rachel,

Like the others have said it is possible to have your af through pregnancies, but you never know it could've been implantation bleeding, everyones different so yours may just have lasted longer than other peoples. I would wait a few more days, it's going to be the longest few days of your life, and take another test.
I don't want to put a dampner on things but some tests do have evaporation lines, what test did you use and how long did it say to wait? I know that they normally say don't read the test after that time period because of evaporation lines and the test could be read wrong.
My fingers are crossed that you do have a little bean growing inside you. Good luck and let us know what happens.


Hi, i used clearblue, it said to wait 3 minutes and i read the result as soon as the 3 mins was up.
Rachel x
hi rachel as for the faint line :oops: i was so convinced i couldnt be pregnant and these were evaporation lines cos so faint ive done 12 tests :oops: please dont laugh everyone :( since saturday and they get stronger every day lol i gave up testing yesterday when both lines were same shade lol plus i realised have spent a fortune on tests :oops:
sending u loads of baby dust hope you get a bfp xxxxxxxxxx

I used clearblue and found it to be the best out of all the tests I did (I did 6!) It doesn't sound like an evaporation line, so I think a huge congrats might be on the cards, a line's a line after all and if there wasn't any trace of hcg in your system it wouldn't have appeared at all. :D :D :D :D Here's hoping.

Hi Rachel
Defintely sounds like a positive to me if you followed guidelines on test & checked it after 3 mins.I have heard stories of women having periods & still being pregnant. They are rare so you think it can never happen to you. Suppose it's like a lottery. Hopefully you've won the jackpot.
Lots of luck to you :lol: Lorrie
Thanks for your advice :) Im really hoping that im pregnant. Going to test on sunday morning and see what happenes, if i get another faint line then il go to my doctor on mondy morning to know for certain.
Rachel xx
Good luck for Sunday Rachel! Fingers crossed :D
Sam xx
Tested again today and deffo negative :( ah well try again this month lol
Hi Rachel

I would defo make an appointment at the doctors still if I were youand explain to him what happened. You still may be pg as you had a faint line when you tested first time, don't give up hope just yet. I have heard of ladies testing and getting neg results before a positive but never the other way round so get the experts advice.

Good luck honey Xxx
hi rachel sorry you got a bfn hun big hugs to you xxxxxx
Sorry Rachel you must be disappointed fingers crossed for next mth.
Lorrie xx

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