fed up :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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hello ladies...

i know i shuldn't moan and i am normally not a miserable type...

but i need some energy back......why am i not blooming yet??? lol

i really need to do some housework cos the place is getting me down cos it's a tip and i just literally cannot summon the energy and on top of that i have yet another pregnancy headache...

i'm 16 weeks now....please tell me i will start to feel able to do stuff again soon???


:( hope you feel better soon. I bloomed from about 15 weeks, but then went back down, came back up and now i'm back down again :( I think it varies from person to person. X x x
you will pick up chick, you are feeling like this because your body is telling you to rest (baby may be having a growth spurt) alot is happening. Rest and enjoy it while you can ;) xx
Hun I know how you feel...I felt exactly the same...turned out I was anemic though so that may be something to watch out for...if you are still feeling it in a few days maybe just ring your midwife xx
I hear ya! Those pregnancy headaches can be a killer. I think everyone is different though. I have the odd day were i feel wide awake and can tackle anything the next i can't seem to get my left leg let alone my right out of bed in the mornings.

Today is one of those bad days. Feeling sick again, headache, tired and here i am at work when i really could do with my bed ZZzzzzz

I'm giving it another week, hopefully we will feel more human again soon?

hey hunny!

i didn't really start to 'bloom' until about 21 weeks i'm afraid! it will get better i promise. for now, just rest and ask Sam to help with the housework :hugs:

i am seeing midwife a week tomorrow so will mention it to her.......

yesterday my boobs were really tender again....like agony when i took my bra off. so maybe i have a rush of hormones again cos boo boo is having a grow...that may explain why i feel pants again...

feel guilty for being lazy but keep reminding myself that my body is actually working very very hard xx
hey hunny!

i didn't really start to 'bloom' until about 21 weeks i'm afraid! it will get better i promise. for now, just rest and ask Sam to help with the housework :hugs:


he has bless him...he made tea last night (well he does every night) and does the washing up........

he looks after me....so i want to look after him by doing the rest...if that makes sense...

i will do a little at a time :)
Im still waiting to bloom, im better than tri 1 but still not full of beans!! Get a cleaner and buy ready meals is all i would suggest!! You dont have to be wonder woman!!
I haven't bloomed yet! Lol I think everyone is different x hope feel better soon x

Think mrs mc is right, everyone feels different, you may have a really good tri 3 when those who feel great now are suffering!!
My dad bless him is coming over once a week so clean my house!! SAves me the hassle when i get home!!
my mum would do it if i let her.....i am literally doing a little bit every few minutes.....managed to find the energy to get off the sofa to go and get some chocolate from the fridge...lol x
I am wilting, if any floral comparison is to be made, LOL! My sickness has come back, fainting all over the place, can't sleep! Just when I was starting to get hopes of better times ahead.
awwww petal.....it can only get better.....xx
im the same absolutly exhaused and the headaches and nasuea its just never ending, im 16 weeks too and praying for the " glow" and burst of energy i hear people talk about FX we start to pick up soon
day just got worse.....oh has been to a meeting this morning at work and it wasnt great news...he hasnt lost his job but lots of changes a foot and he is really stressed and upset and then i got upset and its all just pants :(

just told him that come march all we will care about is each other and boo boo and to focus on that

just told him that come march all we will care about is each other and boo boo and to focus on that

You are so right, once the baby will be in your arms things will take a different dimension :hug:
the glow is a lie..........i still feel knackered and queasy. just gotta keep our eyes on the prize i guess lol

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