fed up already


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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i am so fed up waiting for baby to come now ill be 36 weeks this week and even though i dont want baby to come too early that they might need to be in an incubator i still wonder about every twinge pain im constantly annalysing myself after i wipe (sorry tmi) i just wonder if its time, then on other hand im so scared about labour again.

just cant win im counting down the days. just feel so big and heavy, cant sleep, heartburn killing me and keep getting loads of pains and tightenings.
I completely feel your pain hun! I have been feeling that way for weeks now and at almost 38 weeks I am so glad now that I have finished work and am actually starting to look forward to me c section on weds even tho I am also really scared! I am grumpy, fat and tired and I also have a colld too now :(. Don't worry hun, I am sure you will soon be giving up work so you can start relaxing? Try to pamper yourself as much as you can and be a little be selfish.. You deserve it! :)
im not working at min anyways as ive a 17 month old son too, thanks how come u get to have a c section before u due? lucky u. xxx
Huni I am exactly teh same - just feel tired, huge, unable to relax and every twinge I am nearly heading to the hospital! I just cant wait to get it over and everytime I think of the labour I feel ill, I know I did it before but it seems so long ago (9 years) I scared I wont know when I am in labour!!! I am 37 weeks this Sunday and will be happy to go anytome after this!! My understanding are with you xx
god im getting fed up and im only in week 27! by the time i get to where you guys are im gonna be tearing my hair out! :rofl: x

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