The flutters are the best! I am feeling lots of kicks on the outside, it's so wonderful. My anatomy scan is 2 weeks from Tuesday, I'm hoping to figure out a way to get insurance to cover it between now and then. And hoping everything looks good with baby, above all.
I am struggling, my sleep is utter sh*t, I have insomnia with pregnancy every single time (I'm an insomniac even when not pregnant, have been since I was a little kid) and it's been absolutely brutal. takes me hours to fall asleep, then I have a chunk of time in the middle of the night when I'm wide awake (1-2 hours minimum), and then I can rarely sleep past about 4am. it's really starting to depress me, I feel awful 24/7, exhausted beyond words. My husband works insane hours (for example, today he works 9am-3am, no joke, as he's catering an event) and I have no family here and no help with the kids (besides random babysitters). I want desperately to move back to California where my family is, but the cost of living there is beyond comprehension and my husband's job is here (he manages a bar, so he can't just transfer somewhere else). So I feel stuck, and more tired than I can bear, with no end in sight. It's really, really getting me down.
My youngest turns 2 tomorrow, so of course I'm reminiscing about her birth and how she'll now be a big sister... pregnancy feels like it takes forever and then the time just flies like I can't believe.