*****February 2019 mummies*****

We're going to tell them face to face, I think a text would come across as too impersonal. I'm not looking forward to it, but we have to tell them and let them decide how they want to handle it - we'll make it clear we are always there for them but also obviously if they want to take a step back from us, although it would be heartbreaking for us I would understand.

Everything was fine with baby, appointment was a nightmare as we'd been given the wrong time but it was all sorted in the end. Baby was facing down so it took them ages to get some measurements properly. I had to get up and jump about to try and get him/her to move haha. Got a lovely clear picture though and once we got them moving he/she was jumping about and doing acrobatics and everything. Apparently I will have to have the diabetes test though as baby is bigger than they expected. I had to have it with my son too, everything was fine I must just carry big babies.

I need to have my due date changed to the 13th Feb in here if possible though please?
Donna so glad the appointment went well! That is a good plan with your friends. I am heartbroken for them- what happened to their baby?
I don't know why but I was really worried about the scan, but it was great and we seemed to see way more of baby than I remember seeing when I had my son.

I don't really know what happened, I think either his little heart wasn't strong enough or it was a bit like SIDs but he was awake and they were with him when it happened :( I haven't asked them what happened to be honest, they've had all their results back and I think the important thing is that they know, they told us what happened at the time - but I've never asked once they got their final results back as to me it doesn't matter. I know it was an awful tragedy and if they ever feel like they want to share with us that is down to them. It's been quite difficult though as had decided when it did happen to hold off on trying for a while and then found out a couple of days later that we were already pregnant, it took me a while to adjust because I then had a mixture of feelings, both happiness that we were having our baby, to guilt for being happy and then worry about them.

Sorry if this story is upsetting for anyone, I have tried not to mention it on here as one it's not my story to tell and two I know it is very hard for others to read about as well. It's just obviously it has been part of our journey and now we know that everything seems to be going okay with our baby, it's time to let them know. I'd hate to tell them when it's obvious because I'm showing or have them hear from someone else.
Oh Donna that is so awful for them, and I'm sorry for asking if you didn't want to discuss it; I totally understand how you don't want to talk about it while at the same time feeling like it's such a part of your life you can't not talk about it! When I was pregnant with my youngest, a dear friend (we were pregnant at the same time and due within a couple weeks of one-another) had a devastating loss... I avoided discussing it for those same reasons and yet it was such a constant part of my reality that there was no choice but to talk about it. I'm sure it changed how you felt about your own scan, it does make everything in life feel simultaneously more precious and more vulnerable. You realize this life isn't a guarantee. Your friends are lucky to have you, and I am so sorry that happened to them and their little boy.
You don't need to apologise Kholl; I hope you don't think I was being funny with you as I didn't mean to come across that way.

Like you say; it really reminds you how fragile and precious life can be.

How is your pregnancy coming along anyway? I feel like I've missed out on so much of you all after being away for two weeks
Not at all Donna, it's so tough, it's one of those things you don't know how or whether to talk about, and yet it's such an unshakeable part of your daily reality because of how devastating it is... I remember I finally had to bring up the situation with my friend during my last pregnancy in our due date club because it was all I could think about. It is difficult, but we can also use it as a chance to gain some perspective on our own lives... One of my best friends just adopted a newborn, and 12 days later the birth mother changed her mind (In New York state, there is a 30-day period in which the birth mom or another family member can "reclaim" the baby - and my friend was assured that was SO unlikely to happen) so they had to give their sweet new baby back. It's just been devastating, but it also makes me embrace the chaos and challenges of my own life that much more. When 2 out of 3 of my kids are screaming and there's milk spilled on the rug and the house is a disaster, I just think, I don't care. I'll take it all, just as long as they're here.
Hey ladies! How is everyone? I am on vacation it’s my family, 15+1 and I’m so so huge!!! I was like this at 28 weeks with my first!


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Woah - you have a lovely bump going on the Kholl. That's crazy though. I was just saying to my husband that I feel huge today and he was like you don't look it. I'll have to get a pic later - it's probably partly because I am wearing maternity jeggings as well - I find they always highlight a bump.

What's the age difference between your kids. I was expecting to get bigger sooner, as this is my second but I wonder if because there's a 10 year age gap it's almost like having my first again. Although I have felt baby movements at times. It's also hard to compare because I gained so much weight with my first.
Donna, my other kids are 6, 3, and almost 2. I am SHOCKED at how huge I am already. I hesitate to answer when people ask when I’m due!
It's clearly all bump though so I wouldn't worry. You look fab
Got my letters through today for our anomaly scan and the glucose intolerance test - so now I'm confused as to whether to switch hospitals or not - my only issue with them was not getting appointment letters through.
Got my letters through today for our anomaly scan and the glucose intolerance test - so now I'm confused as to whether to switch hospitals or not - my only issue with them was not getting appointment letters through.

I would just stay with the current hospital then <3 Since you said they were great otherwise. :)
Yeah that's what I'm tempted to do - I might see what my midwife says when I see her as like I say I've already asked her about it while I was stressing the other day.

I'd kind of hate to go back to not knowing when the 2nd scan is to be honest as well if we switched hospitals and had to wait for another appointment letter. It's something to look forward to. We're really hoping that we can find out the sex, but if baby is as camera shy as it was on Monday that might not happen haha.
Hi ladies.....it's gone kind of quiet in tri 1....I've just had my scan and I've actually been put forward a bit so I'm just going to lurk here as I'm days away from tri 2! I now have a date of 25th feb and we will be team yellow. My scan was great today, we had a lovely lady who was very thorough and really put me at ease which was great as I was so worried about today. I feel so much better now and to have hopped nearly a week is even better!!
Gemsy, congratulations! It feels so great to be in the second trimester. Though of course I still worry, ha!

We just got back from a family vacation on the coast, it was wonderful and so needed. Back to the grind, but I feel more energized and refreshed.

How is everyone feeling?
Thanks Kholl, I am actually feeling so much better....a lot more energy....my belly has really popped in the last couple of days which is lovely. We told our 4 year old too.....he is so excited, it's adorable. He keeps going around telling everyone 'mummy has a baby in her tummy' so just as well we didn't tell him earlier! Lol
Hi all, so I went to a wedding yesterday, fell over and sprained my ankle!! Everything is ok with baby, I managed to take the fall with my foot/ankle and landed softly on my bum, but so very annoying and realised how easy it could have been worse. Needless to say, my heels have now been banned for at least the next 25 weeks!! x
I'm feeling fine at the moment; seeing our friends tomorrow so will tell them. Then in the afternoon I'm seeing my Nanna, sister and auntie who we haven't told yet as wanted to wait until we knew everything was fine (as my Nanna has had surgery and will be starting chemo soon; we didn't want to tell everyone and then have more heartache for everyone if things didn't work out)

We bought our pushchair yesterday as well as eBay were doing 15% off. Almost bought a cot too but held off. We need to sort out all our bedrooms so have ordered new wardrobes for us so that our son can have one of ours (the other is ruined) and then baby will have his set. We also picked up a changing table. It all seems quite early still but we've had the scan and also it makes sense to do stuff while we're off as we won't have any time October half term (we're away for a wedding), Christmas we'll have a bit of time but obviously it's also Christmas so we'll be busy and deliveries will be funny. We don't have anymore time off until after baby is due then. Obviously we have weekends too but find it makes sense while we still have these two weeks off.

So we have a busy couple of weeks but also have plans to go out with our son so we're making the most of his holidays too instead of him sitting in front of the PlayStation for 2 weeks.
Donna, I’m glad you will see your friends tomorrow. Let us know how that goes.

When you give the rundown of time between now and baby it feels so soon! I know it’s still summer time and we have until February to wait but really it all goes so fast.

I felt the biggest kick/movement from the baby tonight, it was absolutely thrilling! I also heart the heartbeat with my home doppler, it was so beautiful.

I am starting to feel a little more energy during the day, but man do I crash by like 7pm! Right before kid bedtime when I need my energy the most!

How is everyone?
Kholl, love the bump, amazing!

Donna I hope it goes ok with your friends.

Anyone else really suffering with indigestion? I have it so badly it's so uncomfortable, it's in my chest and throat and is just horrible. I'm mainlining Rennies at the moment!!!

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