*****February 2019 mummies*****

Yes Donna- it’s especially hard to wait for things that you could potentially know now! 5 weeks will fly by, the second trimester always does.

Donna, you said you don’t have a feeling about boy vs girl... does anyone else feel boy or girl for their own babies?
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Welcome bubbles and congrats Lyndsey!

I'm not sure yet with this baby although I am erring towards girl. I had a very strong feeling for boy last time (which was right), to the point I did not even think about girls names I was so sure.
I was convinced I was having a boy and then I kept having dreams that I gave birth to a girl. I also kept looking at pink thing's online! Everyone in my family was thinking boy so we were all happy to hear it was a girl. I have picked my name as well last night and I've fallen in love with it. We got a pink teddy with baby's heart beat recorded inside and I love it as I can always just push the heart and hear it. It's lovely.
I was totally convinced it was a girl when she showed us and we saw the clear 3 lines. But then I started to doubt it last night and thinking what if it was wrong! But the sonogropher was very certain and checked 3 times lol.
Ah Lynsey that’s so sweet!! Will you share the name you’ve chosen or wait until she’s born? It’s natural to have doubts after ultrasounds, after mine I was so relieved for a couple hours then I was like “wait what if she missed something that’s wrong” haha that’s how Mom minds work!

My insomnia was soooo bad last night, awake from 12:30-4am... but I’m weirdly ok today?!? We’ll see how long that lasts!
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Kholl I'm sorry you are having insomnia I remember you mentioned it before. I am having such a hard time sleeping now as well, tossing and turning all night it's not fun.
Hope tonight is a better sleep for you.
The name I have chosen is Callie it is a Greek name meaning beautiful. My husband likes Casey and Callie and I'm more set on Callie so I think that's what we are going with for now ...it's still early days though.
Do you girls have some names picked out yet? Xx
Omg Callie!!! I got goosebumps reading that name it is soooo sweet! If it went with our last name I would have to put it on our list too, ha!

We are pretty sure we’ll use Emmy for a girl and Mick for a boy. But not 100% yet. We aren’t telling anyone in real life, only sharing here :)
Hi ladies, sorry I've been super quiet lately! My husband was away recently and I just haven't been bothered to do much at the moment!

Can't believe some of you have already found out the sex of your little ones, how exciting! :-D
My hubby and I have 4 weeks tomorrow, until we have out gender scan, and I'm on holiday with my mum at the beginning of September, so here's hoping it rolls around quickly! Still pretty sure we will have a girl.

Name wise, I have 4 girls names, 2 in joint place and only 1 boy name, should probably think of some more boy names just incase!

Bump is slowly coming along, I am 16 weeks today, and keeping a firm watch out for those first little flutters!

How is everyone else doing? :)
Hi ladies.....well I've had a horrible day :(

I went back to the doctors today for her to look at the abcess in my er....'delicate' area, and she referred me up to the big hospital to have it lanced. It was a horrible experience, and nearly as painful as childbirth! I had a local anaesthetic but the abcess went really deep so I could feel them cleaning it out and was just in so much pain. I now have my pants packed with dressings and can't have a bath or shower for two days!! They keep reassuring me that none of this is harmful to baby, but I've just been in so much pain, I am so so worried :(
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Lovely name Lynsey

We have a few girls names picked out and one boy name - so we probably need a few more boys names as if it's anything like what I had with my son as soon as I found out I was having a boy I hated the name we had already picked out for him so we had to go back to the drawing board. It'd be nice to have a few of each for that situation (although I suppose at least we would still have time to decide on another one)

Ouch sorry Gemsy that sounds like a horrible experience. I'm sure they wouldn't do it if they thought it might be an issue with baby.
Congrats Lynsey! How cute another little girl �� and ouch Gemsy, I hope your healing ok? This part of the pregnancy is so lovely. Im enjoying having more energy and not feeling sick.
Oh no gemsy that sounds horrible. Hope you have a speedy recovery from all of this!!
Bubbles I'm loving not being sick anymore it's amazing!
I've felt some little flutters yesterday so nice to finally be in this part of pregnancy. X
I've got to go and have my dressing changed tomorrow.....I don't dare look at it until then! I wasn't expecting to be saying this about my lady bits for another six months!!! Lol

Have to say, the pain is 1000% improved, so I'm glad I had it done, I just hope it heals ok!
Ahh fantastic to hear the pain is so much better - I'm sure it will heal okay.
Oh Gemsy that sounds horrible!!! I am so sorry! though very glad it's feeling better and you're on the mend.

Phillipa, hi!!! Rest and relax and veg out as much as you can. I remember with my first, after I was off work (at about 35-36 weeks), I was so hard on myself about lying around doing nothing/watching Netflix... I wanted to exercise and be productive... and now I'm like, omg why didn't I veg out with zero guilt while I could??? I won't be able to do that... like, ever again! Maybe in 18 years?

I am feeling incredibly strong movements every day. It is so reassuring and wonderful. I find the best thing to really feel baby is to lie on my stomach. Every night (s)he is so active. It's absolutely thrilling. I am so in love already.

just under 4 weeks until the anatomy scan... I really hope everything looks good.
I spoke to soon. My sickness is back! Fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow. Tonight I have been so sick.
Kholl that's awesome, I might have to try that in the future, although I'm trying to train myself not to sleep on my stomach anymore! Harder than I thought and my 12ft pregnancy pillow is quite firm for me.

Lynsey, sorry to hear your sickness hasn't settled, that must suck for you! :-(

I've come down with my first virus in nearly 2 years! Got a sore throat and cold from my hubby, so I've been staying in bed resting as much as possible. Tissues stuffed up my nose isn't a good look, haha!!

All I'm craving at the moment is strawberries and melted chocolate and tuna sandwiches from Subway! Annoyed that I can only eat tuna 3 times a week, having to set it to certain days!
Hi girls, I hope you're all ok, and Lynsey, really feeling for you!

My week of crap wasn't quite done with me......

My dad has been a bit poorly for about a month, anyway his consultant decided he needed a CT scan to check for pancreatic cancer....this was yesterday, so I'm obviously an emotional mess :( I'm waiting to hear from him, and I start bleeding (only very slightly, but I've not ever had any), so I phone my midwife in hysterics (it's all a bit too much for me by now I think). The other thing is, my GP had also decided to listen in to hear baby when I was worried about this abscess, and couldn't hear anything:(

My midwife then arranged for me to have an emergency scan two hours later. We went along and all was absolutely fine. The sonographer was so lovely, and she showed my son the baby, which he loved, it was such a special moment. I cannot praise my midwife enough, she could see how distresssed I was and just arranged everything, I am so grateful. Through all this I couldn't get hold of my OH as he was on the golf course!

By the end of the day, we had also been given the news that my dads pancreas was totally normal. He does have 'something' showing on his small intestine, which they will investigate further, but it is by far the better evil of the two.

I'm going to try and take it easy this weekend, I feel so drained and emotional ��
Oh my god Gemsy, it sounds like you and your family have been through it all! Sorry to hear that you've had all this stress and upset, but glad to hear that everything is OK now.

Take the weekend off and treat yourself and relax, it can't have been easy for you to deal with but focus on you now and chill :)

Hope the outcome with your dad will be good news, I know it's not easy waiting for tests etc.

We're all here for you should you need to chat or rant xx
Oh Gemsy that all sounds awful; glad everything is okay though.

My Nanna had a fall the other day and is now in hospital as she's fractured her pelvis (better than originally thought as they thought she'd fractured both hips) I don't think I'll get chance today but going yo visit her tomorrow. I've bought her some biscuits and some chocolate; planning on picking up some flowers too. They're talking about moving her hospitals though so going to wait and see what happens with that.

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