*****February 2019 mummies*****

And another pic from yesterday:


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I still can't upload pictures :( I wonder if the pictures on my phone are too big to upload, but I managed my first scan picture before. Very strange.

Your bump looks fab :)
Sat in the middle of my glucose tolerance test. I'm so tired and quite hungry now. Looking forward to getting back to work and having something to eat (I might even stop by costa and grab a flapjack or something) because the drink made me feel quite sick. That's just me with an empty stomach though I'm not worried
Just being on the second lot of bloods so I can get out of here and eat something. I'm also full of cold so looking forward to being able to have a cough sweet. (Stupidly didn't bring any cough medicine to work with me so I can't have that.)

I'm so bored though. My friend lent me the unmumsy mum book when she found out I was pregnant and I actually saved it for this as I'd already been told I'd have to have the test (shocking how quickly that's gone actually as I remember thinking this and my 28 week appointments seemed so far away) but my eyes are hurting and I don't know if if can sit and read for 2 hours.

Ahh sorry; just having a bit of a moan.
Donna, I'm sitting at the hospital too after drinking that nasty drink for my blood glucose test!
I've got just over an hour left now until I should be checked again and allowed home. I haven't eaten anything since about 7pm last night and I'm starving! All I want right now is a cup of tea.

Got myself a book to occupy myself but to be honest, I'm so tired after not sleeping very well the last few days, so I'm struggling to concentrate on it.
There was another woman who's just come in and had it with her mum and partner here; her mum was doing my head in shouting about how waiting for two hours is ridiculous and what difference does it make. It's like seriously it's not that bad; I felt sorry for the poor woman as she said she didn't mind.

Her mum took the baby and the lady and her partner have gone to stand outside for a bit. I'm glad as I couldn't cope with another 40 odd minutes of hearing her mum complain.

Funny how we're having our tests on the same day. That drink was awful wasn't it, I'm glad I'm not the only one to think that - when I had this test 10 years ago it was Lucozade they gave you. I'm dying for a proper drink. Can't decide whether to wait until I get to work or treat myself on my way out (I work next to the hospital so I could easily grab something on my way as I parked at work so have to walk over anyway)
My 2 hours have nearly passed now, luckily I've not had anyone like you have. Most people are with their partners and are nice and quiet ��

Where abouts are you Donna?

Oh, Lucozade would have been so much better than what they gave me lol. Gonna have myself a massive cup of tea when I get home, and I can not wait! :rofl:
Desperate for some food too, but luckily I have some left over curry that I made last night, so gonna scoff that when I'm done ��
Finally eaten some food and had a nice hot cup of tea.
Now having a lazy day at home and a potential afternoon nap 😁

My hubby says I'm looking particularly bumpy today, so here's a shot I took when I got home.

27 weeks tomorrow! :shock:

How is everyone else doing at the moment? Xx


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Last day here for me! Nearly at tri three.
I'm currently planning a trip to Europe for Christmas market, and I'll be 30 weeks at that point. Little anxious about going anywhere at that point, but it will be the last for a while I expect!
I was about to reply to you and got called through to have my bloods done so put my phone down.

I'm in Yorkshire, close to Sheffield. Where abouts are you?

Nice that you're having a relaxing day. I wish I hadn't had to come back into work but I haven't got any lessons so can't complain too much :) I completely forgot I have a meeting after school though. Bleurgh.

I grabbed a Costa cake and hot chocolate on my way out of the hospital though which I regret now but I just needed something after not eating for so long. Oh well, I've promised myself although I don't want to gain too much that I'm not beating myself up too much about weight as I'm growing a little person. I've bought 3 dresses in 12s that are breast feeding friendly the rest I have are 8's or 10's (I'm currently in maternity 10s) so I expect the 8s probably won't be work for quite a while; I'll be happy as long as the 12s still fit when she's here. I don't really want to get any bigger than that. I have massive issues with my weight anyway though which I'm working on as don't want to pass those onto my kids.

It's crazy how I'm thinking of clothes I'll be wearing after though and that it doesn't seem silly to be thinking that - not too long in the grand scheme of things. I'm trying to think of things to save for January so the month doesn't drag (as I think Christmas will make the next two months go quite quickly.) So painting the nursery, washing her clothes, sorting the hospital bag and going through my wardrobe and sorting a breastfeeding friendly section are all on my January list. We're going to use reusable nappies but I think I'll wash them after she's here as we'll use disposable to start with, or maybe I'll do them as another job to keep me occupied before she gets here.
I drank that drink with my first pregnancy and had such a horrific reaction that the last 3 times I've opted to take my blood sugar 4x/day for 2 weeks! I finished doing that about a week ago and everything looks good :)

I am in the third trimester today!!! I can't believe it! I'll start a thread in the other section :)
Donna88, I’m a Sheffield girl, live just out of chesterfield now. What about you? xx
I'm Kingston Upon Thames born and bred but I now live in Hampshire with my hubby and 2 furry minions (cats).
I didn't have a bad reaction but it made me feel sick on an empty stomach. It wasn't nice.

Ahh pennypie - small world; I'm on the outskirts of Doncaster/Rotherham. My husband works in Chesterfield.
Lovely bumps ladies.....I cannot believe we're starting to go into tri 3. I don't know about anyone else, but second time around seems to be going very quickly!
Donna, I work in Goldthorpe, which is sort of Rotherham/donny way. It really is a small world. ��
Sorry Phillipa just seen your reply I missed it before, animals are fab to have around arent they. We have a little dog, I'm hoping he takes well to the baby. I think our main problem is he's going to love her too much and we'll struggle trying to keep him away from her.

Gemsy I'm finding it's going fairly quickly this time around too, I was expecting it to drag. I suppose once you already have one you're so busy all the time you don't have time to dwell on it.

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