*****February 2019 mummies*****

Sorry to hear that gemsy really hoping you feel better soon.
Kholl what a lovely profile your baby has. Glad everything went well for your scan! X
Gemsy sorry to hear that, make sure you do rest up

Kholl that's a lovely picture - love how you can see his/her leg so clearly.
Thank you everyone!! I was weeping tears of joy and gratitude throughout the scan. With each baby the 20-week scan has been exciting, but this one was different. Having the loss before this pregnancy has made me realize how completely NOT a guarantee life and a healthy baby are. I feel so overwhelmed with the blessings in my life it's almost embarrassing to think of all I have. This baby is so deeply loved and wanted and cherished and to see him/her moving around looking amazing and with ten fingers and ten toes and a beautiful heart and profile and kidneys and everything you hope for... it's just awe-inspiring. I am so grateful.

At the end of the scan, the tech asked if we wanted her to put a pic of the between-the-legs shot in an envelope, in case we were going to do a gender reveal party or look at it together at a later time or something. I was like, OMG! It was SO hard in that moment to say no! I was trying to read her face, thinking, oh my gosh she KNOWS and we don't! It's so crazy that this random ultrasound technician knows whether our baby is a boy or a girl and we, the parents, do not. I am glad we resisted. This baby will be the first true surprise at birth. At first, I was 100% sure it was a girl, but that has changed. I truly don't know now! that's a first! With my first 3, when they were born, when I saw boy/girl I was like "well, yeah, I knew that already." I knew through and through (to the point of buying girl clothes with my youngest and calling her by the girl name I'd chosen before she was born). This time I just don't know and it's so exciting!

Gemsy, oh no I am so sorry! How are you feeling now?

Alwayscoffee, movement is so inconsistent for a while and it's frustrating to wait for it to start. Before you know it you'll be getting bruised ribs! How are you feeling? How's the fatigue and nausea?

Lynsey, so excited for your scan! Surely it's a girl, though it's nice to "see" for sure and have that confirmation. Is your nausea gone now?

Penny, yes the growth spurt around this time is insane, my belly is tight and sore in the evenings. Almost 20 weeks - the halfway point is such an exciting milestone!

Phillipa, maternity clothes are annoying. All clothes are annoying for me right now. I hate all pants, maternity or not. Just hate them all. But it's Fall, and cooling off, and skirts won't do. Might have to switch to warm leggings and look sloppy for the next year or so until I can fit into my old clothes! You do look amazing.

Donna, your scan will be here before you know it. I felt like mine was a million years away and now it's just done. Crazy. I am excited to hear what you're having!

Can't wait to see more scan pics! We are moving along so fast now.
Oh and meant to say: with all the scans with my older kids we NEVER got such a clear picture. The profile of baby's leg blows my mind!
Afternoon ladies, my husband and I had our 20 week scan today!
All went very well and we found out that it looks like a boy! I was so sure that it was a girl but I'm happy either way, sprog is happy and healthy and seems very flexible inside me! Haha.

We got many photos from our scan, here's some feet and a body shot :)


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Ahh Phillipa congratulations on your little boy, beautiful scan pictures - I love the feet one's <3 your bump is looking very cute too.
Hi kholl yes my nausea is gone. I'm eating too much now!!

Yay phillipa lovely a little boy and great pics!
I got scammed yesterday and bought a pram off a fake website!
Had to cancel my credit card etc... Nightmare.

I have now chose a new pram but it is girly so waiting until after Wednesday to order it. I have ordered a cambrass crib with canopy in cream and bought a breast feeding pillow today. Starting to get addicted to online shopping for baby!

What has everyone else bought or am I the only crazy one? My thinking is that with 3 kids already I will be so busy with Halloween then Christmas that I would be better getting organised now rather than trying to do it all in January.
I don't think you're being that crazy, we've bought quite a lot already. We've bought our pushchair already and I love it, my husband picked it and we've had one person say ''oh so you think you're having a girl then'' I actually think we're having a boy but 1) I don't think you should worry about a pushchair being gender specific 2) I don't agree with gender norms anyway 3) I honestly don't think it's too girly. It's a paisley one which is mainly purple but does have some blues, oranges, pinks on it.
Sorry to hear about you getting scammed though, at least you sussed it out and managed to get your card cancelled.

How many of us are having our scans on Wednesday or is it just us two?
Thank you everyone!! I was weeping tears of joy and gratitude throughout the scan. With each baby the 20-week scan has been exciting, but this one was different. Having the loss before this pregnancy has made me realize how completely NOT a guarantee life and a healthy baby are. I feel so overwhelmed with the blessings in my life it's almost embarrassing to think of all I have. This baby is so deeply loved and wanted and cherished and to see him/her moving around looking amazing and with ten fingers and ten toes and a beautiful heart and profile and kidneys and everything you hope for... it's just awe-inspiring. I am so grateful.

At the end of the scan, the tech asked if we wanted her to put a pic of the between-the-legs shot in an envelope, in case we were going to do a gender reveal party or look at it together at a later time or something. I was like, OMG! It was SO hard in that moment to say no! I was trying to read her face, thinking, oh my gosh she KNOWS and we don't! It's so crazy that this random ultrasound technician knows whether our baby is a boy or a girl and we, the parents, do not. I am glad we resisted. This baby will be the first true surprise at birth. At first, I was 100% sure it was a girl, but that has changed. I truly don't know now! that's a first! With my first 3, when they were born, when I saw boy/girl I was like "well, yeah, I knew that already." I knew through and through (to the point of buying girl clothes with my youngest and calling her by the girl name I'd chosen before she was born). This time I just don't know and it's so exciting!

Alwayscoffee, movement is so inconsistent for a while and it's frustrating to wait for it to start. Before you know it you'll be getting bruised ribs! How are you feeling? How's the fatigue and nausea?

Can't wait to see more scan pics! We are moving along so fast now.

How beautiful. I can't wait for my scan too for this reason. I just can't wait to see my little coffee bean moving around in there. I'm so glad everything turned out great for you!! <3 I bet that was sooo hard to resist and say no when she asked you if you wanted the gender in an envelope!! I definitely don't have the patience you do!! I've been itching to find out and it's making me crazy!! hehe.

I can't wait to get bruised ribs, but I'm sure once I get them I'll be wishing for them to slow down! I'm feeling good otherwise. The nausea has finally stopped, BUT I do get waves of dizziness here and there. But it's fleeting. The fatigue is better, but I get super tired around 5pm every evening and force myself to stay up till at least 7:30pm.
I got scammed yesterday and bought a pram off a fake website!
Had to cancel my credit card etc... Nightmare.

I have now chose a new pram but it is girly so waiting until after Wednesday to order it. I have ordered a cambrass crib with canopy in cream and bought a breast feeding pillow today. Starting to get addicted to online shopping for baby!

What has everyone else bought or am I the only crazy one? My thinking is that with 3 kids already I will be so busy with Halloween then Christmas that I would be better getting organised now rather than trying to do it all in January.

You're not crazy! I have already bought the crib, the changing table, the stroller, 2 car seats and some clothes and diapers and little things. Actually, those were all gifts from the grandparents, but I still was as anxious as them to get the items sooner than later! haha I can't wait to find out the gender and then I'm going crazy!!

Sorry about the scam, that sounds awful!
How has everyone been doing?
I'm starting to get really nervous about tomorrow's scan. I've been feeling a lot of movement but I'm getting paranoid that maybe it's not baby I'm feeling or that maybe there's something else wrong. Deep down I think everything is okay; I'm just get worried. I did with my son as well but I was very stressed when pregnant with him for other reasons so that made me worry about him too as I knew stress wasn't good.

Good luck to those who also have their scans tomorrow.
Hi Donna
I am so nervous. Have convinced myself something must be wrong because I still have not felt a thing. I don't even feel pregnant just feel pretty normal and I have to remind myself I am growing a human inside! I think I will feel 100 X better after tomorrow scan and maby they will confirm I have the anterior placenta.

Are you finding out tomorrow what you are having? Xx
Took a pic of the bump this morning.
I think it's pretty small for 21 weeks.
Let's see everyone's bump pics xx


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I'm sure everything will be fine with both of us :) yes we're going to find out tomorrow as long as baby isn't hiding haha. Are you finding out? (Or do you already know I have a feeling you've said you're having a girl?)

You have a lovely bump - it's not huge but not everyone has a big bump at 21 weeks. You're very slim yourself too.

I'll try and post a bump pic but it wouldn't let me last time I tried
Donna- I felt the exact same way. I had my anatomy scan yesterday and found out I have an anterior placenta which means I can't feel their little kicks as soon as some because it's in the front and is providing extra cushion. Anyways, everything turned out to be okay! HE is super healthy and happy and has a strong heartbeat!!


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Donna, I can&#8217;t believe it&#8217;s tomorrow!! How excited are you?

The girls at work were so giddy for me today, can&#8217;t believe that this time tomorrow we should hopefully know!! Eeeeekkkk. xx

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