I think from what people were saying earlier on, we're about half and half on the finding out or not in here. Which is nice, good to have a mix I think
Our friend the other day asked if we were finding out and then when we said yes told us not to

It makes me angry to be honest. It's such a personal thing and I couldn't imagine telling someone who said they were going to stay team yellow to find out. The only time I would offer an opinion is when someone isn't sure, then I would say why I've found out but would also offer reasons I know others have kept it a surprise.
Personally, I didn't find it took away from the experience when I had my son as I was so excited to meet him anyway. So just having my baby kept me going even though I knew he was a boy. But I also found it made everything seem so much more real, as when I don't know I can imagine both. Whereas once I found out I was having a boy, it just made the whole thing seem like it was actually happening. With my son I was a lot younger as well and imagined having a girl - I wasn't disappointed when I found out he was a boy, but I was slightly shocked - I sometimes wonder if I hadn't found out if I would have convinced myself further that he was a girl and I might have been a bit more disappointed once I had him. I don't think I would have been, but I know it can happen. My mum went to school with someone who was convinced she was having a boy, she ended up having a girl and refused to look after her - her sister ended up bringing her up. Now I know I wouldn't be that bad, but it shows these things can happen if you build something up in your head.
This time around, I could possibly go team yellow as I don't imagine one more than the other. I also think once I get bigger and start feeling baby more it will feel more real. However, my husband is dying to know - every time we talk about baby (since the scan we have commented sometimes about ooo - I wonder what baby is doing in there right now) and his response is ALWAYS ''I wonder if it's a boy or a girl baby'' My son is also not very good with surprises - he isn't saying he is wanting one more than the other, but I think it would be good for him if we could tell him whether he is having a brother or a sister.
But like I said, it's a personal choice and there is no right or wrong answer.