*****February 2019 mummies*****

YAY! I can finally chime in!! I can't believe I'm already in the second trimester! I was really hoping to feel better, but I actually feel worse :( I throw up more than I did before and I'm still super tired. I go to bed at 7-7:30 every night and could actually fall asleep earlier, but I try not to. I'm so tired and exhausted and have no energy to do anything.

Gemsy- I suffer with indigestion here and there. Tums help a little. Ice-cream works and I try to sit up straight after I eat to let the food go down for an hour or two. Eating late doesn't help either, so I try to stop eating early. Drinking cold water helps too.
Yay Heather, welcome! SO sorry you feel awful, if it helps at all I only just started feeling the crappy first tri symptoms lift in the last week or so (for me nausea wasn’t an issue but fatigue and irritability were overwhelming). I’m 16 weeks tomorrow so really up until 15 weeks I was just so exhausted. So hopefully in the next week or so things will start to ease for you. Are you taking iron? Not sure if you can stomach it but might be worth a try.

My oldest goes back to school in a week, I’m gonna miss her like crazy! She’s in first grade already, blows my mind. She’s growing into this beautiful young woman, there’s very little baby-ness about her now (except when she needs me in the middle of the night, ha!).

Donna, how’d it go with your friends?

My 20-week scan is 4 weeks from tomorrow...!!!
Oh my god girls, I'm having a nightmare.....so over the weekend I got this lump over my pubic bone....it got bigger and worse yesterday and today I can hardly walk! I've been to the doctors, they think an ingrown hair (prob from where my trousers have been getting too tight), and it now have an abscess!! So I'm on antibiotics, and may have to go and have it drained if they don't work quickly. Bloody nightmare, I had so much stuff to do today but I can barely get off the sofa!
Hi girls sorry I've been quiet. Was really sick for a while but had a few days of feeling ok now.
Had my midwife appointment today and she felt my tummy and done all the usual checks and everything good.
I have my private scan tomorrow and we are going to find out what we are having, I am quite excited now to know!
I can't wait to start making a few small purchases! Xx
Fingers crossed this is the start of you feeling better Lynsey!
Omg Lynsey I cant believe we are already at the point of finding out the sex!! Hope the scan is great! Glad you’re feeling better.
Ahh Lynsey so exciting that you'll find out soon. I can't wait to find out but we're going to have to as won't be getting a private scan. So fingers crossed baby doesn't cover up for the 20 week scan.

Alwayscoffee welcome :D sorry to hear you're still not feeling great hopefully you'll be feeling better soon.

Yesterday went as well as it could; very personal and it was really hard and sad but they were happy for us. I just really hope they weren't more upset than they let on.

My bump looked huge today; came out of nowhere
Donna, it's crazy how the bump just appears, right??

I am so sad for your friends. I'm also glad you got the opportunity to share your news in the way you knew was right, hard as it was. It may be harder for them than they let on, or maybe not. Everyone's journey is so deeply personal. I hope for comfort and healing for them.

Is anyone else not finding out the baby's sex? We are team yellow for the fourth time.
Kholl, I'm team yellow too....for me it is just one of the loveliest surprises in life you can have and it keeps me going at the end!
I think from what people were saying earlier on, we're about half and half on the finding out or not in here. Which is nice, good to have a mix I think :)

Our friend the other day asked if we were finding out and then when we said yes told us not to :shakehead: It makes me angry to be honest. It's such a personal thing and I couldn't imagine telling someone who said they were going to stay team yellow to find out. The only time I would offer an opinion is when someone isn't sure, then I would say why I've found out but would also offer reasons I know others have kept it a surprise.

Personally, I didn't find it took away from the experience when I had my son as I was so excited to meet him anyway. So just having my baby kept me going even though I knew he was a boy. But I also found it made everything seem so much more real, as when I don't know I can imagine both. Whereas once I found out I was having a boy, it just made the whole thing seem like it was actually happening. With my son I was a lot younger as well and imagined having a girl - I wasn't disappointed when I found out he was a boy, but I was slightly shocked - I sometimes wonder if I hadn't found out if I would have convinced myself further that he was a girl and I might have been a bit more disappointed once I had him. I don't think I would have been, but I know it can happen. My mum went to school with someone who was convinced she was having a boy, she ended up having a girl and refused to look after her - her sister ended up bringing her up. Now I know I wouldn't be that bad, but it shows these things can happen if you build something up in your head.

This time around, I could possibly go team yellow as I don't imagine one more than the other. I also think once I get bigger and start feeling baby more it will feel more real. However, my husband is dying to know - every time we talk about baby (since the scan we have commented sometimes about ooo - I wonder what baby is doing in there right now) and his response is ALWAYS ''I wonder if it's a boy or a girl baby'' My son is also not very good with surprises - he isn't saying he is wanting one more than the other, but I think it would be good for him if we could tell him whether he is having a brother or a sister.

But like I said, it's a personal choice and there is no right or wrong answer.
Yeah I couldn't believe how it was just there last night. It's gone down a little again now - but will be interesting to see how quickly it pops up again after lunch haha. I'd say in the morning I'm starting to look possibly pregnant possibly a bit pot bellied - but by the evening I'm looking about 5 months gone.
Donna what a weird response! My gosh people have amazing things they think are appropriate to say to pregnant women. When people say to me “wow, I could never wait to find out the sex!” I say “then don’t wait!” Everyone should do exactly what feels the most exciting! For me, that’s waiting until the day baby is born. But I’ve also been 100% sure with each baby whether it was a boy or girl. I was right the first 3 times, we’ll see if I’m right again (I’m feeling girl this time).

Hey, has anyone heard from Frankinstein?
Yay Heather, welcome! SO sorry you feel awful, if it helps at all I only just started feeling the crappy first tri symptoms lift in the last week or so (for me nausea wasn’t an issue but fatigue and irritability were overwhelming). I’m 16 weeks tomorrow so really up until 15 weeks I was just so exhausted. So hopefully in the next week or so things will start to ease for you. Are you taking iron? Not sure if you can stomach it but might be worth a try.

Thank you! I hope I'm like you then. The sickness is kinda getting better, I just throw up every morning now and sleeping is so uncomfortable!! I haven't tried iron, but I know my levels are good. I'll ask the doctor if that will help <3 Right now anything cold helps me feel better.
Donna what a weird response! My gosh people have amazing things they think are appropriate to say to pregnant women. When people say to me “wow, I could never wait to find out the sex!” I say “then don’t wait!” Everyone should do exactly what feels the most exciting! For me, that’s waiting until the day baby is born. But I’ve also been 100% sure with each baby whether it was a boy or girl. I was right the first 3 times, we’ll see if I’m right again (I’m feeling girl this time).

Hey, has anyone heard from Frankinstein?

Amen! Everyone is so different and they should do what is right for them! I think it sounds so cool to be patient and have a surprise, but I am not patient. I wish I could just wait, but I can't. haha I'm already wondering if I should go and get the blood test done to see what the gender is instead of waiting for the 20 weeks scan. :clock:

You know though, by the 3rd baby I could see myself going team yellow.
Yeah there is no right or wrong; it's what's right for you. People are strange. I've also had a couple of people ask if it was planned; I went out for lunch with a friend today and was having a rant to her about that and like she said "what does it matter if it was planned; it's happening and we're obviously happy about it because we've announ ed it" like I said even if you really want to know it ends up coming out anyway just in conversation as people will either say "it took us however long" or "when we decided to start trying" or "well it was a shock"

I just couldn't imagine caring so much about such a personal thing to think about asking someone that never mind actually voicing it.
Haha I asked my husband about a private one as I know he is desperate to know and we could get one for £23.50 and find out as early as next week. He was slightly tempted but to be fair our 20 week scan is only 5 weeks away so we might as well wait the extra 4 weeks.

If baby does hide then we've decided to stay team yellow and not book another scan. It's kind of one of those if it's meant to be it'll be things I suppose
Hey girls, I can officially join this group as im 14 weeks today &#9786;&#65039; Im now due 19th feb! And I find out the gendee rhis weekend! Hope your all well x
Hi bubbles! Welcome to Tri 2
I just found out we are having a girl!
My oldest is a boy who is 12 and I have 2 girls aged 9 and 5 so we are delighted and the girls are especially happy x
Bubbles, welcome!

Aaah Lynsey a girl!!! Congratulations! How exciting! How are you feeling?
Congratulations Lynsey; that's fantastic news.

Welcome bubbles; good luck for this weekend. I can't believe we're at the point when some people are finding out the gender. I'm a little jealous to be honest - 5 weeks for me to wait as we won't be getting a private scan I don't think.

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