*****February 2019 mummies*****

We went to a wedding yesterday and it was fantastic; however it's really taken it out of me today.

We have another wedding at the end of the month; luckily it's the day before Halloween and we've already planned a nice day in for Halloween so if I'm tired again at least we'll just be relaxing :)

My husband felt baby kick for the first time today; he said it was a very light tap that he felt (which is weird for me as I obviously feel it all a lot stronger haha) so our little boy was then very jealous so I'm hoping it won't be long until I can get him to feel a kick either.
Morning ladies, hope you're all well :)

I'm currently sat on the sofa being kicked by my son haha, he wakes up when I do thefh goes back to sleep for the day!

I've got my first physio appointment in an hour so my SPD! :-D really hoping they can help me, but today is a good day as I'm not in pain (yet)...

I've also got an appointment at the ante natel clinic this afternoon and have no idea what to expect at this, any ideas??

I know some of you may be against this, but I'm a biker and will be taking a couple of gentle rides back and forth from the hospital today, it's only a 10 minute ride, but I've not ridden for 2 months and I want to get a ride in before I stop for winter. Can't wait to get back on my bike for summer next year, anyone else here a biker by chance? :-)
Awww congratulations Pennypie!

Phillipa enjoy your bike rides! I’m sure it’s fine, probably safer than driving in a car honestly!
Yeah I agree Phillipa, you need to enjoy your life still and as long as you're not doing anything silly (which I'm sure you wouldn't even if not pregnant) then I don't see why there would be a problem.
Congrats Pennypie!!

And Phillipa - agree with the others, go for it. There are far more dangerous things to worry about, and the exercise will do you good.

We've had our scan today and all is well. I had a little bit of anxiety, but my movement has really kicked off (excuse the pun!) in the last few days which has really helped. All looks good, and I've had my flu jab as well, as they were offering them at the same time (which I thought was a fab idea, and saves making a doctors appointment). We are still team yellow, although we had to look away a lot, so I think they got quite a good view!!
Thanks all! I did get quite emotional when I found out.

If you want to go out on your bike, do it. I’m sure you will be safe and take precautions to be extra safe. Like said, it’s probably safer than a car.
I think I wasn't clear enough when I said I'm a biker, I mean I own and ride a motobike, not pushbike lol.

Also, who here has started , ahem, leaking yet?? My boobs started leaking a few days ago, but only if I squeeze or lay on them!
Pretty sure sprog has move position, so he's head up by my stomach, as he keeps kicking me above my pubic bone at the moment, that and talking makes me out of breath!
I knew you meant motorbike; I still stand by what I said as long as you're not doing anything silly then I don't see a problem with it. You might not get chance to go out on your bike much once little ones here so enjoy it while you can and while the weather is nice.

My girl is still very active and moving all over the place; constantly changing positions.
I never leak until after baby is born!

Oh Phillipa gotcha a motorcycle! I figured you meant just a regular bike haha! Well listen, life goes on, your lifestyle is what it is and now that I’m on baby 4 I am just much more relaxed about things like that. You are the only one who can make the call! Do they make maternity bike jackets?!? Haha

Shoot, I am still eating tons of raw fish (sushi) and runny eggs and all the food no-nos, we all make the call that is right for us. But when you ladies start shooting meth or binge drinking I’ll get judgy.
Oh and Phillipa I don’t ride anymore but my ex was a biker and I rode with him all the time so I truly do get it, it’s easy to get hooked and it’s absolutely exhilarating!
I know you're in America so guidelines are slightly different (especially on the eggs as your eggs aren't treated the same as ours) but we're allowed runny eggs now if they're from a shop and have the right branding on and sushi is okay as long as the fish has been previously frozen.

I'm having haggis at a wedding in a few weeks (and probably buying some to have in the cottage too as we're in Scotland) as the reason it's questionable is it may contain liver and I kind of think hmm... it may and if it does it'll be the smallest amount. I'm sure I'll be fine. A lady I work with is on baby number 3 and says she's had the odd bit of pate too
Kholl, no they don't make motorbike maternity wear unfortunately, I've been wearing my mat jeans and my FIL's XL motorbike jacket, which only JUST fits over my bump! :rofl:
Gonna miss not being able to ride again until next year, but that first ride out after so long always feels so good! :-D

I've been having the off bit of brie as my naughty food, I'm a sucker for a bacon and brie panini from Costa Coffee, but I've been told it's ok as it's heated up, so guess I'm not being THAT naughty haha.

How are we all doing bump wise at the moment?
I've not been able to take my weekly photo yet as I dropped my phone in the loo yesterday and I'm waiting on my new one to arrive today! Will try and get a bump pic up later today :)
I say, just continue to do what you always did before (unless that was being a junkie!)....and just be careful. Life's a bit too short to wrap yourself in cotton wool all the time.

Ladies, you can eat brie without worry if its pasteurised......you can also buy pasteurised egg whites if you need to make a dessert with raw eggs (like a mousse or similar), and as said above, runny eggs in the UK are now fine if they are lion stamped, as that means the chickens are vaccinated against salmonella. (My business is food based....hence my knowledge BTW if I sound like a bit of a food hygiene buff!).

Anyone else had their flu jab yet? I had mine yesterday and I have to say I feel a bit shocking :( the nurse did say I may feel like I a coming down with something, and I really do, not feeling good at all today :(

It is my son's birthday today, and he is a bit poorly too, so its lurgy city in our house :(
Yeah I'd been told camembert and brie are fine if cooked; so we're thinking of having baked over Christmas as I'll struggle otherwise. My Christmas morning is usually camembert and cranberry croissants.

I haven't had any yet and might not have it but we'll see.

My bump is coming along, gutted that I can't upload pics from my phone into here anymore. I think I'm going to be huge by the end.
Donna88 how come you can't upload photos anymore?

Here's my 23 week pic, you'll have to excuse the mess in the room, my husband and I are changing rooms and he hasn't tidied all his stuff up yet!


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