*****February 2019 mummies*****

Im so sorry to hear Lynseys news its made me feel so sad, and slightly worried for my own scan now. I have just been reading back through her posts and she has said so much which is similar to my pregnancy. I wish I wouldnt of logged on now. I hope your all doing well?
Can you see a midwife sooner? I know there are physical therapy exercises that can help.

I'll have to call my midwife on Monday morning and see if she can see me sooner, at least she'll understand!

Good luck with your midwife, I hope you don't have it.

Im so sorry to hear Lynseys news its made me feel so sad, and slightly worried for my own scan now. I have just been reading back through her posts and she has said so much which is similar to my pregnancy. I wish I wouldnt of logged on now. I hope your all doing well?

Try not to worry, as that won't be good for you or the baby.

What has happened to Lynsey is awful, but I don't think there were any signs of anything being wrong - so it doesn't mean that you will have the same. I know how you feel though - I am extra worried this pregnancy after my friends lost their baby, but I'm trying not to worry and just trying to stay positive as that is all I can do.
I had a terrible habit of comparing myself to someone else who’s experienced terrible tragedy... and I convince myself I’ll have a negative outcome that mimics theirs. I do it all the time. The mantra I repeat in my head when I do that is “That is their story, not mine.” It takes away from what others have experienced to pretend we can just take their story and make it ours. Like Donna said, there was no sign anything was wrong with poor Lynsey’s little daughter, and what she has been through is unspeakable. But that’s not your story, that’s hers.

I had my first bout of the baby actually keeping me awake last night because (s)he was moving so much! I’m not even 22 weeks, crazy how big this baby feels already!
^^They are quite big at this point though - my signature says melon, must be a small melon but still.

I was on a hen do this weekend and baby seemed to be really enjoying herself having a wiggle to the music haha. I think I might have a mini raver in there. I'm just so excited to meet her now, me and husband just can't wait until February. I'm hoping with the weddings we have over the next month and then Christmas time will fly by and it will just be January we have to get through. :)

Also don't know if I'll be having a C-Section or not at this point, as my scan showed my placenta is close to my cervix so I need a scan just before Christmas. I'm hoping it will have moved as my womb expands and I won't need to have one, but if they do suggest a C-Section do they always tend to do them at 37 weeks? Because that would make her Birthday late January.
Thanks girls, you have both made me feel re assured. It was just all her posts where similar to my thoughts... Just when she said she didn't feel pregnant (thats how I feel), then she said her partner couldn't attend with her to the 20 week scan, and mine cant either! So I just started to panic a little. I cant wait for the scan to be here now, and check my little one is ok. I really hope she is doing ok, I feel so much for her. x
So spoke with my midwife this morning and she said that my symptoms are to do with SPD, so she is referring me to the physio to get some help and exercises to minimise the discomfort. Fun times!
Thankfully it's not too bad today, so hoping it won't get too bad I've caught it early!

How is everyone else doing today? :-)
When is your scan bubbles?

Sorry to hear it is SPD Phillipa although like you say better that it's caught early and you can keep an eye on it.

I'm feeling fine today, a bit disappointed as I had ordered some things for the baby from Sainsbury's and it's arrived to be picked up from the store but half of it has been refunded as it wasn't in stock :( so there's some little socks, a gorgeous dress, a cardigan and some body suits which I had ordered but I now don't have.
Hi Donna, it was today and all was ok. She looked so peacefull tucked up.

Sorry to hear about that Phillipa, hopefully the physio will help.

Oh donna I hate it when that happens ���� M&S have a great sale on at the min.
Hello all,

I havent posted here for a while.

Im wondering what positions your bubbas are in at 21-22 weeks? Mine is feet down and has been for weeks.
Im worried as my second birth, was breech, and arrived at 37 weeks so no time to do an EcV. They stupidly thought at the labour that baby had turned head down, but they were WRONG! As a result I got a natural birth as they didnt know....but a foot and a bum wasnt easy work!

I would hate for the same thing to happen, so Im panicking. Definitely too petrified for a c-section.
Glad everything was fine bubbles.

Pug lover it's way too early to be worrying about that; babies will be moving around loads at the moment and changing positions. I hope you don't have a similar experience but just make sure they know what happened last time and ask for extra reassurance this time around.
Mine is moving constantly so I don’t think it will make much difference at this stage.

I’ve started getting random sharp pains in my side, think it’s a mixture of stretching and extra limbs being in new places!! Seems to be when I need a wee in the night as well. . Can feel baby moving about so I know it’s alright, and it’s just new things but there’s always that little concern isn’t there.

At least I get to see it again next week. If it gets worse I might give the midwife a call. xx
I wouldn't worry yet Pullover....they are moving up, down and everywhere right now! A lot of the time I know I have feet down as my kicks are right at the bottom.

Baby had a very active day yesterday, and has been a bit sleepy today, just the odd movement. I find this stage a bit frustrating as you never know when you're going to feel them....I much prefer further on when they get a bit more of a pattern going on. I have my scan next Tuesday, the day before my sons 5th birthday! I'm starting to get nervous....really hoping all is ok.
Good luck for your scan tomorrow.

Mine is really active now; she tends to move around quite a bit after a meal. Husband still hasn't felt her though I've had big kicks he would have felt she wouldn't do it again when I've told him to feel.
My sproglet won't stop moving at the moment! Just after I've woken up and in the evening he wakes up and fidgets a lot :-D My husband hasn't yet feel him move, even though the little punches are getting stronger each day. I can now see my tummy undulate or ripple occasionally which is amazing!
My husband doesn't have much patience lol so trying to get him to sit and wait for movement is a bit tricky lol.
My husband is the same; plus I've found she moves and kicks around a lot and as soon as I tell him to feel she seems to stop.

Last night we were trying it and he said he did feel her kind of brush against his hand but he hasn't felt a kick or punch yet. She was properly going for it though and at one point made me feel sick and she flipped over and kicked at the same time so it really hurt.

I feel like I'm going to miss my little bump and feeling her movements once she gets here, although I'm also extremely excited yo meet her.
I feel like I'm going to miss my little bump and feeling her movements once she gets here, although I'm also extremely excited yo meet her.

Definitely! I remember crying my eyes out after my first, once we got home as i kind of grieving for my bump! The hormones are crazy.
Hey ladies, hope we're all doing well :-)

My husband finally felt our son move last night! He had come to bed after me and decided to spoon me and cradle the bump, which is when he felt sproglet move and roll over, he said it felt like my tummy undulating, which is something I've seen happen myself :-D

He said it was very disconcerting but nice to finally be able to feel it happen.

Getting bigger everyday now, and I have an a physio appointment on Tuesday for my SPD, am very sore today as I've been moving the front room around with mu hubby. Time to sit and chill for the evening now!
My husband has his ear to my belly yesterday and got a kick. Haha. xx
The kicks and rolls are the best!
My kids have felt baby now, and my husband and I have been able to watch my belly moving around too :)

I am feeling ok, my insomnia has been absolutely hideous lately though... it's taking me on average 3+ hours to fall asleep every single night and I'm waking very, very early in the morning too. It's getting so stressful!

How's everyone else feeling?
Knoll, I'm with you on the insomnia.....my sleep is just terrible at the moment. I've had a cough for the last week, so that has kept me awake too. I laid awake until 3am last night, and then at 6am my LO came into bed with me....don't get me wrong, I love the cuddles, but I just can't get back to sleep! Between that and needing a wee every few hours I can't remember the last time I had a good nights sleep. Getting us ready for LO to arrive I think!

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