*****February 2019 mummies*****

Donna, this baby seems to flip around a lot and I have a few days of less-noticeable movements and then (s)he flips back and I get the giant rolls again. My tummy also feels super tight especially in the evenings. Did you get stretch marks with your last pregnancy? I did on my hips/thighs/breasts but none on my tummy until my 3rd baby... with her I just got a couple right above my bikini line/under my belly button... I do feel like I'll get more this time with the size my tummy is already!

And yeah the vaccine/autism thing does get me a little riled up too especially because the research on that particular subject has been exhaustive and is pretty definitive! Even groups who did research with the presupposition that vaccines DID cause Autism found the opposite! So even when people were specifically looking to prove the connection, they just couldn't.

I think we have, as a society, lost touch with the reality of certain diseases, and so they don't feel as serious. I have read the Little House books to my kids, for example, and the way people lived not very long ago is horrifying and sobering. It was basically a guarantee you'd lose AT LEAST one kid to an infection or disease that is very preventable today. And I think we've gotten smug about that. And honestly, that's a fantastic testament to how far we've come when it comes to disease prevention and treatment! I LOVE that I'm not worried about losing my baby to Polio! But it also creates a false sense of protection from diseases that are still very real. It feels like no big deal to avoid all vaccines because those diseases just don't feel REAL like they did to parents and children not very long ago. I think we need to stay humble and realize how much we have and how far we've come and not turn up our noses on these life-saving medical interventions (vaccines, yes, but also antibiotics when necessary and stuff like that) that took SO much knowledge, work, and courage to create.
^^that's all very true.

Yeah I think that's what she's doing; moving around so I can't then feel her as much. She's much more active than I remember my son being.

I did get stretch marks last time but I was young and silly and even though my mum warned me I didn't moisturize plus I gained loads of weight that I really shouldn't have done. So I think those two things made me get more stretch marks than I would have done otherwise. I'm not sure whether I'll get more this time round or not... I'm trying to moisturize at least once a day and hoping this will help a little but we'll see.
I think the flu thing is just that you have a lower immune system when pregnant so you're more likely to get it? I don't think it's dangerous to the baby if you get it but certainly it's very unpleasant and I think you could possibly be very poorly which obviously you want to try and avoid when pregnant.

Whooping cough, I've had the vaccine 5 years ago with my son, so I'll have to ask my midwife about it. I'll definitely be having it it required.

Feeling really good today....my LO has been ill all week and he finally started getting better last night and slept properly for the first time in a week, so we got a whopping 9 hours sleep last night (apart from my usual toilet breaks!), absolute bliss!!! And I'm finally feeling better after a 2 week cough\cold and my flu jab. We have the whole family over today for lunch and my dad is also on the mend after being diagnosed with a potentially fatal and rare infection, fingers crossed! I feel like after all the worry of the last few months I can tentatively start to enjoy being pregnant and look forward to the future. Hope all you ladies have wonderful weekends xxx
Hi girls

Just wanted to check in and say thanks for all the messages of love and support.
I have scanned some of the comments but didn't read too much.
What happend to us is not common so bubbles please dont worry.
Wish you all the best girls in your pregnancies and in time I might be back on the forum to catch up and see how you all doing.

Oh Lynsey! Thank you so much for dropping in here, it is wonderful to hear from you. I hope you are healing well and getting lots of love and support from friends and family. I think of you often. So many hugs.
Hope you are getting all the love and support you need Lynsey, it's lovely of you to drop in. Sending all my love again to you and your family.
Lynsey, thats so lovely to hear from you, you have been very much in my thoughts xx
Good to hear from you lynsey, hope you are doing well and have the support system you need at home.
Anytime you want to come back and chat, we're all here for you xxx
Hi ladies, how is everyone feeling?

I can’t believe I’m almost 25 weeks and only 2-3 short weeks away from the third trimester. I have been having a really tough time with insomnia but I got a weighted blanket yesterday and I think it might have helped. Time will tell.

Phillipa, how’s the spd?

Can’t wait to hear from everyone :)
Hi ladies, hope you're all well.

Kholl, ooh I tried a weighted blanket once, it was heaven! I'd love to get my own one, especially since I've been suffering from awful restless leg syndrome recently!
My SPD is now a daily painful occurrence but I get by best I can, walking around town is uncomfortable but I have a pregnancy belt to help and physio exercises too.
I'll be 25 weeks on Wednesday and still can't believe how quickly it's going!

I'm away in Norwich for a few days as of tomorrow to deal with some family matters, and will miss my own bed and my hubby.
Hi girls, I am feeling good :) and baby is moving a lot now, feeling the kicks on the outside, although OH keeps missing them! We are about to go away for a little 5 day break for half term, really looking forward to some down time, and spending time as a family. When we get home I really need to start thinking about getting all the baby stuff out and seeing what we need, I've literally not sorted a single thing this time round!
Hi Puglover!

I’m 25 weeks today, I cannot believe we are just a few short weeks from the final trimester. With holidays fast approaching (I know most of you don’t have Thanksgiving but that’s a big one coming up for us here!) and our trip to France in a couple short weeks, I feel like I’m gonna blink and it will be January and then our babies will start being born.
Hi puglover, yay due date buddy! 😁

Had a busy few days in Norwich this last week and have slept so badly every night, I'll be back home in my own bed tomorrow and can't wait to see my hubby.

How is everyone doing at the moment?
I can't believe we are 3 weeks away from tri 3 already, seriously, where has the time gone?!?? :shock:

I'm feeling pretty sizable at the moment, my tiny human has been sitting really low recently and has been super active it's ridiculous! :rofl: I'll try and get a photo up later 🙂
It's crazy how fast the time is going.

I almost had an accident on the way home from work, someone came over into my lane to overtake someone else - I ended up having to swerve into the bus lane and do an emergency stop to avoid a head on collision. I was really shook up and now I'm home my back really hurts and I have had a couple of pains in my abdomen. I'm not sure if it's just me worrying over nothing or not though.
Oh no Donna that is so scary!!! I remember right after my 20-week scan with my son, on the way back I almost got hit by a huge semi truck that merged into my lane without seeing me. I honked my horn and he didn't hear me either. I screamed, it was terrifying! As soon as I could pull over in a parking lot I just sat there and wept. It was terrifying! I really get it!

I think after a panic like that you have lots of scary physical symptoms, it makes perfect sense. Drink a ton of water, rest, take DEEP breaths into your belly. You and baby are fine. Thank goodness!

Phillipa I'm enormous too. I feel like I look as big as I did when I was about to give birth with my first! I'll post another pic soon.
She's been moving around lots and I've not had any bleeding. I think it was just the shock. Like you say it's a horrible experience. I feel sorry for my husband as well as we were on the phone (Bluetooth through the car nothing dodgy) so he heard me swearing in panic and then once I'd done the emergency stop; I forgot what to do next and ended up stalling the car so I had to turn it off and on again - he said he thought I had had an accident.

We had a buffet at work today and I feel so sick now from too much sugar. Bleurgh. Can't wait to get back to normal eating tomorrow.

My friend (who's on maternity) came in with a nappy cake she'd made for me too <3 it's gorgeous I don't want to take it apart. It's perfect as well we were going for reusable nappies but wanted to get some new born disposables for when she's first here - so they might do us.
Sorry to hear about the close call Donna, I got into a minor crash at the beginning of this pregnancy (not my fault) but luckily no real damage done, and just a bit shook.
Sounds like you're suffering a bit of a food coma tonight! :rofl:

I'm crashed out in bed watching re-runs of Friends on Netflix, I don't expect to sleep very well again tonight, bladder wakes me up at least 7 times a night now!

Here's my pic from the end of last week, although he's currently changed position and is sitting very low right now, so bump seems smaller now lol.


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Yaaaay belly!! Phillipa you look fantastic!
25+1 here, I swear I was this size when I gave birth to my first haha


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