*****February 2019 mummies*****

I will be leaving the forum. This is my last post. My baby didn't have a heart beat. I'm going into the hospital to have her delivered. I'm in total shock. It will be to painful to stay on here. I wish you all well xx

This breaks my heart. You are in my thoughts and prayers <3
Lynsey, I'm so sorry to hear and absolutely devastated for you. I can't imagine how difficult this is for you.
You're in my thoughts through this awful time xxx
Thinking of you Lynsey, just in case you&#8217;re checking in <3

How is everyone else feeling?
I'm getting kicks every day now, but still no pattern to them. Feeling very emotional....think I must have a fresh batch of hormones! Hope you ladies are all ok xx
Hi Kholl, hope you're well. :-)

Lynsey has been on my mind a lot today, I can't believe this has happened to her, and it makes me so much more grateful for what I have. Been a bit of an emotional day.

Starting to get general aches in my body today, more so in the sides of my ribs, around the obliques and achy hips sometimes but getting by.

Bought a couple of baby grows today from my local charity shop and my husband and I are collecting a cot bed tomorrow from his Co worker :)
Hi Kholl, hope you're well. :-)

Lynsey has been on my mind a lot today, I can't believe this has happened to her, and it makes me so much more grateful for what I have. Been a bit of an emotional day.

Starting to get general aches in my body today, more so in the sides of my ribs, around the obliques and achy hips sometimes but getting by.

Bought a couple of baby grows today from my local charity shop and my husband and I are collecting a cot bed tomorrow from his Co worker :)

Yes I know what you mean Phillipa, I've been thinking of her a lot too.
It's awful isn't it, I wouldn't wish that on anyone :( I really hope she is getting the support she needs right now.
I've also been buying quite a few bits. I haven't been able to help myself since finding out yesterday that we are team pink. Although, part of me is paranoid that I'm buying all these girl things and we're going to find out later on it's actually a boy. I really don't mind either way but it'll mean we'll have to swap out a lot of stuff and we're getting used to saying she and getting excited about a girl too.

I have to have another scan at 32 weeks to check the position of my placenta so will ask them to see if they think she's still a girl then if they don't mind haha.
Yes Lynsey and I were due date buddies and the thought of that happening right now is beyond comprehension. Lynsey, sending you love.

We mostly have what we need but there will be a couple things we will be asking for as Xmas gifts from family this year. Mainly anlittle pod-type thing that goes on your bed for safer cosleeping. We always end up cosleeping anyway so I&#8217;m trying to do it the best way possible.
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I love the look of those pods; but we share our bed with the dog... so I will be doing no co-sleeping with baby haha.
I have not bought a thing, I am so unprepared this time. In a weird sort of way, it took us so long to get pregnant, I still don't think I really believe it is happening....despite my expanding belly telling me otherwise!

We were team yellow last time also, so I have loads of newborn unisex clothes, at some point I will get them out of the loft! We have all the nursery furniture. I may need a new Moses basket (it's been in the garage for four years!), I think my pushchair needs replacing and the first car seat, as we have isofix in the car now, and didn't last time.
To be fair it sounds like you don't need to be too prepared anyway; you just need to dig out your old baby stuff and have a sort through.

I'm going completely blank on how many vests and baby grows plus outfits we are going to need in each size to be honest. At the moment I'm ordering stuff and buying stuff when I see something I like and just picking a size that seems appropriate (such as I loved a dress from Sainsburies but it's very autumny so I got it in 9-12 months) I can't wait to actually either go to a physical shop or have some of the stuff delivered though.

I'm busy this weekend otherwise I'd be dragging my husband around the shops haha
I do remember having WAAAAAAY too much first time round, you don't need as much as you think, or as much as people tell you. I've got things I know I never used (like a baby bath) that I obviously won't need. I'll make sure I have dummies ready, just in case.

I also will put hardly anything in my hospital bag, as I packed loads of stuff last time, and put loads of thought into it, and when it came down to it, I spent 24 hours just labouring in my bra and nothing else, and I threw up all the snacks I ate, so I'll be avoiding doing that this time! lol
Evening ladies, hope you're all doing well :)

I have a fun new symptom that started today, I wonder if anyone else is suffering with this yet?
I noticed this afternoon that my groin felt quite sore, didn't think anything of it until it happened again this evening, where it felt like someone had kicked me hard in the base of my pubic bone/groin. It feels like I can't stand up or straighten my legs properly for a few seconds, and it's somewhat painful/uncomfortable to walk. Another way of describing it would be if you've ever ridden a horse bareback or imagine sitting with a piece of 4x4 wood between your legs. Owie!
Ouch Phillipa that does not sound fun.

I had my whooping cough injection yesterday and she put it in my left arm. Next time we have a baby I'm recommending they do vaccinations in my right arm as I've been trying to sleep on my left hand side as your supposed to but it really hurt.

My little one has been so active recently. Constantly moving around and I don't know when she sleeps haha
Donna, I had mine on Wednesday and I could barely move my arm til today. Plus I had my flu jab the day before so my left arm had a big lump and bruise on it! Looked ridiculous.

I have no idea what I actually need to buy, so far got a next to me crib and a Pram but that&#8217;s it. I don&#8217;t want loads of unnecessary stuff but then I need something. Can&#8217;t figure out what I actually do need.
Oh no Phillipa that sounds like SPD. I am so sorry!
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Oh no Phillipa that sounds like SPD. I am so sorry!

SPD?? I've heard of that and I doesn't sound like fun! I don't see my midwife again until November! And I know my docs are useless unfortunately.
Can you see a midwife sooner? I know there are physical therapy exercises that can help.
Can you see a midwife sooner? I know there are physical therapy exercises that can help.

I'll have to call my midwife on Monday morning and see if she can see me sooner, at least she'll understand!

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