AlwaysCoffee, it's all about the source when it comes to sushi! Will I go to a sushi boat place or get sushi from the local 7-11? um, no. But will I go to my local sushi place that I know and love and trust? Absolutely! Also it's a HUGE craving of mine and I am just not going to deny it anymore! I figure pregnant women in Japan must still eat sushi, right? Seems unnecessary for us to avoid it if it's from a trustworthy place... my midwife agrees with me, too, so that helps!
And I don't get any vaccines during pregnancy. The research for their efficacy and safety for unborn babies just is not there. The vaccine inserts explicitly say that they're not intended for pregnant women and that the vaccine manufacturers are not responsible for adverse effects on the mother or baby. But the biggest reason for me is that the kids' pediatrician strongly recommends against pregnant women getting vaccines. She says all the infants she sees hospitalized with whooping cough or the flu are the ones who's moms had the shots during pregnancy, and there just isn't the research there to prove that they are totally safe or effective. I trust this pediatrician more than any other medical professional I've ever met and she is very reasonable and moderate. She is still pro-vaccine overall (as am I!) but during pregnancy the evidence simply isn't there.
Furthermore, we have all had flu shots and had the flu, and once my daughter got the flu mist and it gave her pneumonia (diagnosed and confirmed by multiple doctors), and every year they say the same thing: "It's a great match this year!" and then by March they say "Whoops, only 10% efficacy, maybe next year..." I just don't buy it anymore, the flu shot seems more like a shot in the dark! Even one of my BFFs, who is a pharmacist, says she believes they will only start recommending the flu shot for at-risk populations (elderly, asthmatics, etc) because of all the issues.
Finally, my son has SEVERE vaccine reactions

They are so awful that he hasn't had any shots since he was 18 months old. I don't know if this baby will have the same issue, so I believe I have to play it safe and wait to vaccinate until he or she is on the outside and we can monitor the effects.
Like I said, I am absolutely pro-vaccine in general, and at the same time I am very deliberate about the when and how. For example, I don't get hep B for the baby in the hospital either; I wait until the first pediatrician visit.
Of course, I don't have ANY way of knowing whether I'm doing the right thing! I don't blink when other women get shots during pregnancy or at birth or whenever. I think it's so, SO hard to know exactly how to vaccinate the right way, and all the recommendations are valuable and worth taking very seriously, and having a well-educated and reasonable doctor on your side is an absolute godsend. For my own family I do make a couple little tweaks, and I feel like we have reached decisions that feel right for us, at least right now.
I think it's so hard, too, because we can't use maternal instincts when it comes to vaccines... for me, every instinct in my body screams "NEVER INJECT YOUR INFANT WITH DISEASE AND CHEMICALS" but of course it's not that simple, right? The when/how/way to vaccinate is a choice you have to make with logic and evidence and data. And a great team of doctors on your side, too!