February 2017 Mummies - First Trimester

Babybee: just as well! Read in the news the other day that early scans are discouraged, apparently the heat might harm the baby when early.
Had my booking in appt! Scan booked for 4th August and see my Consultant then too!
Had some light bleeding yesterday and because I had a miscarriage a few months ago they sent me for a scan this morning. I thought I was 8 weeks tomorrow but measure 6 weeks 1 day apparently. They said could change later as early scans are harder. The good news though is that I saw a heartbeat and wriggling around. Even though it's only 5.5mm :-) xx
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Sorry been a little quiet, I've been away for work. I had my booking in app today, went well. My scans on 1 Aug, think it's a combined. My bmi is high and because of my family history I'm down as at risk. A little scary but just have to wait and see. I'm 9 weeks today...a few more weeks until the scan to really see what week it puts me on
Had some light bleeding yesterday and because I had a miscarriage a few months ago they sent me for a scan this morning. I thought I was 8 weeks tomorrow but measure 6 weeks 1 day apparently. They said could change later as early scans are harder. The good news though is that I saw a heartbeat and wriggling around. Even though it's only 5.5mm :-) xx

That's a relief Schell. I'm glad everything is OK.
Glad all is well Schell.

I'm getting quite annoyed with the symptoms. I have pounding headaches and backaches. It's just not fun. I have about as much focus at work as a goldfish. Luckily, it's been quiet but it will start being busy next week again.
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With my last pregnancy, at 6 weeks I was feeling really hungry all the time, wanting carbs like pizza or chip shop chips or cake. I had tender boobs and was a bit constipated. I'd gone off coffee and chocolate and wanted tangy foods to mask the funny taste in my mouth.
This time round all I have is an occasional pulling feeling in my tummy - and that's it!
I remember thinking last time that I didn't feel very pregnant and was half expecting the dating scan to show there was no baby!
Now I feel even less pregnant. I'm tempted to do another test!

Edit: I should add that my first pregnancy was actually fine. No issues at all. When I read it back that wasn't very clear.
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Thanks pebbles and pip xx

Pip I've had headaches as well and same as you no concentration for work. Plus exhausted!!! Hoping it all levels out xx

Hope everyone else is doing ok?
Try not to worry and be happy you're not feeling rough. Enjoy while you can :) xx

With my last pregnancy, at 6 weeks I was feeling really hungry all the time, wanting carbs like pizza or chip shop chips or cake. I had tender boobs and was a bit constipated. I'd gone off coffee and chocolate and wanted tangy foods to mask the funny taste in my mouth.
This time round all I have is an occasional pulling feeling in my tummy - and that's it!
I remember thinking last time that I didn't feel very pregnant and was half expecting the dating scan to show there was no baby!
Now I feel even less pregnant. I'm tempted to do another test!
Sickness has found me bad :( no appetite and constantly feeling sick and heaving but not actually being sick. Grim.
Is anyone else absolutely shattered ? It hits 3/4 in the afternoon and im fit for nothing lol
I think you always have that disbelief feeling Pebbles. Even with symptoms I am still expecting no baby on scan lol I have mine 3 weeks from today though so not long to wait :smile:
Ha ha. I'm glad I'm not alone missddk. Yay, not long for you to wait now :)
I have so much anger today!!!! I want to punch everyone in the throat! Either that or I'm welling up - these pesky hormones. Is this just me?!?!
Haven't been around for a while as the sickness is so bad at the mo. 9 weeks tomorrow so I'm praying that it will ease off soon!
I'm with you on the sickness nic, it's horrendous this time! I am having my second day of being stuck on the sofa or with my head in the toilet :( haven't even kept down water for the last few days going to have a trip to the docs tomorrow if not any better, just feel soo dizzy as well and felt guilty for not even attempting my vitamins.
I've been in hospital twice this last week because of hyperemesis. Scan tomorrow though. Sorry I'm not posting much :(
Haven't been on here in a while and unfortunately won't be returning. Sadly we've suffered a miscarriage so will be leaving you ladies. We're devastated but we were very prepared and unfortunately knew it couldnt be anything other than a loss after two separate trips to the hospital in less than 12 hours. Wishing you all a happy and healthy pregnancy Xx

I'm so sorry.....
Ok sorry I'm also not around much. However I've been bleeding since Friday, went to the hospital yesterday, but don't have a scan until Tuesday
Aww sorry you girls are going through this, keeping fingers crossed for you xxx
Big hugs to everyone xx only 3 more weeks to go until the magic 12 and I'm counting down every minute!!
Ok sorry I'm also not around much. However I've been bleeding since Friday, went to the hospital yesterday, but don't have a scan until Tuesday

Hope everything's okay hun. Big hugs xx

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