February 2017 Mummies - First Trimester

Don't worry yolo, mine didn't start till 7 weeks last time, unfortunately it was much earlier this time
I'm starting to feel sick today :(

I haven't seen the OP post at all since I joined...
Got really bad nausea today!! Arghh!!!!

Has anyone had sore boobs, but at the sides?? I wake up to it every morning xx
Is it only the thread owner that can update the page? I'm clueless at this stuff ha ha!
It might be worth someone else starting a new Feb mummies thread and making a new list as I don't think the lady who started this one has been on for ages and the front page isn't being updated, it does take a bit of time though so maybe someone who has time to come on every day to read the posts and update with people's dates as they get them and things.

I am struggling with guilt at the moment, my DD is only 10 months old and I have been so useless the last few mornings as I have felt so sick, tired and dizzy, she is very good at independent play but that's not really the point. She struggled to settle last night as she has a cough and every time she laid down she couldn't stop coughing so I cuddled her for ages in the nursing chair and once she was fast asleep I continued to just hold her and cry, I know it's partly hormones but God I feel awful.
I'm happy to update the first page, I don't work so I'm around most days. I don't know whether the mods can change the OP though or it has to be a brand new thread
Anyone any idea how to contact the mods? Or shall we just scrap this one and start a new one. Xx

Evening ladies! How is everyone? I'm 8 weeks today...yay! One more week until my booking in and 4 weeks, 4days until my scan!!! Counting down the days!

Still no sickness which I guess is good. Hope its easing off for those that are suffering with it.

I got a sharp pain twice in the same spot when I sneezed. It hasn't happened since but I looked it up and apparently it's normal. Has anyone else experienced this?

I get pains low down if I move suddenly or stretch! I remember it from other pregnancies so I'm sure it's pretty common!

Does anyone have a doppler? I got one when I was pregnant with my 2nd.

I decided to put my ticker back a couple of days. I wasn't sure when I ovulated but I know I'm between 6 weeks 1 days and 7 weeks today, and I'd rather be put forward at scan rather than put back!
Hey everyone - hope your all good. I think I'm around 6 weeks (maybe 6+1) and have yet to call to sort booking in. I think
I'm too worried of jinxing stuff after my last miscarriage.

Still can't wait for tri 1 to be over ha ha
Lilaco I have a doppler and with my 2nd I remember finding her heartbeat at around 9 weeks. I thought it was great and reassuring in the early weeks but I would never use it post 20 weeks as it can give a false reassurance should anything be untoward.

I was meant to have my booking in appt yesterday but the midwife called in sick so they're rescheduling to who knows when!
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Been to the toilet this morning and had bright red blood when I wiped. :(

I have an appt there at 2:30pm today. My GP referred me as had abdomen tenderness too so wants to check pregnancy in the right place. Xx

I have an appt there at 2:30pm today. My GP referred me as had abdomen tenderness too so wants to check pregnancy in the right place. Xx

My GP did the same thing for me on Tuesday this week for pains. I hope everything goes well for you. Will be praying for you and baby and sending a big hug xx
I got on okay - I have a tilted womb which could be causing the pain (and actually would explain why I get bad period cramps) but everything is okay with the pregnancy for now. Tri 1 is so hard! How are you feeling? xx
Glad all was well pinkbunny - hope all is okay at 2.30 scan luratraloora xx
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fingers crossed for your scan - hope everything is ok x

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