It might be worth someone else starting a new Feb mummies thread and making a new list as I don't think the lady who started this one has been on for ages and the front page isn't being updated, it does take a bit of time though so maybe someone who has time to come on every day to read the posts and update with people's dates as they get them and things.
I am struggling with guilt at the moment, my DD is only 10 months old and I have been so useless the last few mornings as I have felt so sick, tired and dizzy, she is very good at independent play but that's not really the point. She struggled to settle last night as she has a cough and every time she laid down she couldn't stop coughing so I cuddled her for ages in the nursing chair and once she was fast asleep I continued to just hold her and cry, I know it's partly hormones but God I feel awful.