family woes... sorry for a moan!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2010
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So... sorry this is gna be a bit of a moan... but..

Found out last week i was pregnant, told my mum and sister on Sunday as i needed the support... as long storey short had my first bubba at 28 weeks as had pre-eclampsia and still have high BP...

So anyways im not exactly the smallest of ppl i am actually very very overweight... my weight goes up and down and i know all my fammo dont understand why im so big...

and i know they blame my weight for all the trouble.

so when i told them... there response was not positive... they were very unhappy.... it was like telling them i was dying... and they basically totally freaked me out and they were saying we dont want to go through what we went through last time etc etc

I feel so blue... like im scared too, i dont want to come close to dying again or close to loosing another baby... but i have to stay positive...

ive seen a consultant and they wre quite happy for us to get preggo my weight wasnt really mentioned.

tbh my relationship with my family has always been rocky and ive never felt likie there there for me. im 28 now you think i would break the strings and not care what they think but i cant!!!!

anyways.... heres to thinking positive!!

:hug: I'm so sorry your family weren't more supportive. I'm sure it's only because they're worried about you, but there are far better ways they could have shown their concern that would make you feel better rather than worse.

Wishing you a long and healthy pregnancy :hug:
Agree with Sams Mum ^^ and wishing you all the very best for a happy and healthy nine months xxx
As long as your consultants happy then all should be fine!! I'm sure your family will come around!! Goodluck x x
And just when did your family become medical professionals?
If your consultant thinks it's okay, then there's no reason for them to think otherwise.
There's nothing wrong with being big and pregnant!
I hope you show them up with a fabulous 9 months, and a brilliant birth x
sweety, everything happens for a reason. and reasons are never known.
you have fallen pregnant because u were suppose to. your family are suppose to be your rock,not throwing them at you.
i wish you all the best, you were blessed to have this child so i hope u have a fruitful pregnancy.
Oh Dear..I am sure they will understand soon...good luck with the coming months...I am sure you will be fine..just follow consultant's advice and watch your diet..
Thanks for the support guys... am getting gradually more positive as time goes on. I guess a 2nd pregnancy is always scary after ppl have had a rough time the first time round... for both us and our families!!

Positive thinking required I think! :)


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