family..really upset


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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So today we decided to tell both sets of parents hubby's parents were delIghted but my family have really upset me, they r being really unkind about my husband and keep giving each other sideway looks about him. :-( my sister just started swearing saying I'd messed up my life. I am 28 mnind and hub 32 and its a planned pregnancy. I just don't know why they r being so nasty
i think aslong as you and your husband are happy then the family needs to leave u be if they cant be happy for u x
Oh you poor thing, thats so nasty - what reason do they give for being so derogatory towards your OH? Family are the worst sometimes :hug: x
:hug: family can b so cruel sometimes xx
thats awful! Why are they so against this - have they explained?
You're both old enough and mature enough so what's their problem? Hope everything smooths over soon for you, you don't need any stress at the mo xxx
Aww thats really bad MrsMc! Just ignore them, as long as you two are happy then thats all that matters. I'm expecting my Mum & Step-Dad to be exactly the same as yours when we get out BFP. I fell out with them 18 months ago and haven't spoken to them since. My Mother has just decided to try and get back in contact so we'll see how long that lasts! lol Luckily my OH's Parent's are fantastic and have taken me under their wing.

You just enjoy being pregnant and don't listen to other people! You, your Hubby and your new teeny tiny Bubba are all that matters!!

Are there any reasons why your sister reacted like that and why your parents gave each other those looks? That's very odd behaviour if there is no history of any problems.

Both our sets of parents were delighted but my sister was a real b*!ch about it because she was getting married when I was 4 months and apparently thought I'd be stealing her thunder! She's barely spoken to me since telling her at 8 weeks and I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant now.

The way I see it, sod em! It'll be their loss and you have your husband and his family and your friends to support you.

For some unknown reason sometimes when we are most happy it seems to aggravate other people and some people just can't be happy for other people's good fortune. It's a sad way for them to live IMHO.
Well I think that's really strange and unfair of them Mrs Mc. Afterall you have been married 6 months now, and at 28/32 in ages then surely it's to be expected at some point ?

I would enjoy the correct response you got from OH's family and try not to let it get you down,my fasmily were funny with my first as I was nto married to OH, but had a house etc settled down. They said that i could do better, and think they realised I was not going to change my choice of man later !

Ignore them, they will come round, if they want to enjoy the grandchild , they really will have to come on board and eat some humble pie at some point in your pregnancy - just you wait and revel in it when it happens !

It's your life, and what your doing is fantastic news X
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Aw I'm sorry your family have reacted this way, how awful for you! x were they alright with you getting married? Surely they mustve expected this at some point! x ignore them honey and enjoy your wonderful news with each other and people who are happy for you x x
They were estatic when I got married. I think they r slowly coming round maybe it was shock I don't know! But hubby and me r over the moon qand no one is gonna spoil it. Thanks for all your support X
Aw that is awful, many people say that the peope that you most want to be happy for you let you down and people u never expect to be happy with it suprise you. Good job us girlies aare here to be excited for you every single step of the way.
really sorry they reacted such a nasty way hun.
just enjoy your pregnancy babe, they will reget it later.
Oh MrsMc how disappointing.
Hopefully it is all down to shock and they will come round very soon :hug::hug:

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