Sisiter is emigrating before due date - how do i tell her!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Ok - when we found out and got our BFP me and my DH were thrilled but decided to wait till we had had the 12 week scan before we told families about it. Anyway it is killing us cos we are so excited and we can't wait to break the news and know that both lots of parents will be over the moon. The only problem is my sister has decided to go to canada with her DH for 2 years (but will stay if they like it)! Because it is with his work and they are keen for him tp start they will be going in october and i'm not due till december. My sister is so excited about the move and everything but whenwe have chatted she has said how much she wil miss her family. Feel awful now - how can i tell her that i am expecting my first baby just after she goes. Was going to have both lots of parents and my sister over for a family bbq and tell them all together but do you think it would be better to tell my sister by herself - What would you do - feel awful about it all and don't know what would be best.
Hey hon....tough one...I think i'd be tempted to tell her on her own but would worry that I was making a big deal of it by doing that. That said me and my sister are really close so I would talk to her on her own on this one. She might be able to make a trip home to see you when baby if born if she has enough time to plan and save for it xxx
Aww, I would tell her by herself too, she might get very upset infront of other people. Migrating is such a huge step and emotion filled anyway because of leaving family. At least you are preparing her xx
Sort of in a simular situation. My sister is off travelling and working for 12 months and heading off in September. Bud due in December.
Assuming all is well with bud, baby will be 9 / 10 months old before she returns which just seems a really odd feeling.
I still don't plan to say anything until i know all is ok when i have my 12 week scan.
I am very pleased for my sister cos it is a really good opportunity for her to go but am gutted that she will be away when her niece or nephew is born. I was luck enough to spend loads of time with her when she was pregnant and when my beautiful niece was born and was really excited about sharing all this with her all the way through. Not sure how soon she will be able to come home after she has gone away cos she is going to Canada so it is expensive to travel. Also my Mum and Dad have booked a holiday to new zealand for a month from the 5th November so won't be back till 3 days before baby is due - will have to keep my legs crossed then!! Just feeling a bit deflated cos we were so excited and now I'm worrying about how other people will feel about it all - I know that they will be pleased for us but sort of feel like it is going to cause upset at the same time! Sorry for moaning, must be hormones x
Just remember that at least we have things like skype and you could both get webcams so you can keep her updated etc. I know it's not the same, but at least she isn't going to live on the moon or something :P

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