Upset by family


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2011
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Anyone else sick of feeling like theyre somehow wrong to be having another baby? We told both our mum/dads already because i know they wouldnt exactly be over the moon about our news so i wanted it out of the way. Well i got a look from my mum and she was shocked, just spoke to her today on the phone and its now being ignored and when i mentioned that i felt a bit sick she was like "well..." in a quite shitty way. Really upset me really because yes me and OH already have 2 children together and 2 children from our exes but we dont ask for anything and we NEVER have our families babysit (gave up on that because everytime we ask its never when anyone can do it even though other members of the family seem to use them for babysitting duties!!!) my nan said "well just make sure this ones your last" im just sick of it. Not once have i ever been pregnant and told my family and got a hug and a congratulations. My friends mum saw me the day i told my mum and she already knew through my friend and she rushed up to me gave me the biggest hug- it was so nice!!! My OHs mum was a bit better reaction- she was shocked as i had said a few years ago i didnt want anymore but to be fair to me i was depressed at the time!!! But now she knows we are happy shes ok about it but we still didnt get the first initial happy reaction we wanted. The way they all look at us is as if we have like 13 kids or something!!! Making me feel a bit upset today- dont want it to spoil this for me though so trying to ignore it. Dont wanna ring my mum for a bit now though- see how long it takes her to ring me...done that before and it took ages.....
Oh and just wanted to add that my mum and dad seem to really dote on my brothers girlfriends kids who arent even his and theyve only just got back together because she buggered off with one of his best friends!!! But i just know that if she got pregnant they would be over the bloomin moon!!!! My kids rarely get jack off them aswell and last xmas my brothers step kids had more money spent on them than my kids which i think is so wrong.
Oh sweetheart, you and your other half love each other enough to fill that crappyness from everyone else and make it positive. Don't worry my parents didn't congratulate me, it's our first baby, and ive been married for 2 years. My husband is going to uni in 2 weeks to become a teacher, so we wont have any money coming in, and my mum said, well you better tell your dad.

They will be all over the baby once it is here!
All that matters is if you and your o/h are happy and your kids. I'm in the same boat but I haven't told my family apart from my sister I'm waiting till the scan just because I really can't be doing with there commits right now and I think I would end up falling out with them.
This will be our 4th it wasn't planned but me and o/h are happy. Like yourself nobody Eva babysits for me so it is not going to affect anybody else just us, but I fainted the other wk (I do when pregnant) my mum was like your not pregnant are you it's the last thing you need, I didn't tell her I was but bit her head off and said well why is it the last thing I need ? I do it on my own with no help from you, she didn't say anything else, I know what you mean tho it would be nice to get a conratulations xxxx
I know what its like hun, but from my auntie instead. i couldnt keep the news to myself and put it on facebook that i was pregnant. my auntie commented saying something along the lines of 'you dont have the one you got now, part timers i say its criminal'

all because my mam had my dd for about 5 months as i had severe post-natel and that my mam has hope each weekend. i ended up blocking her x x x
my mum and dad are happy for me, but not excited or even all that bothered really. or at least they dont act it. and this is their first grandchild, that my mum has been going on about for years lol. its my first time being pg too so you'd think shed be a lil excited about it but i guess were just not that kind of ppl lol. even tho im excited i keep it under wraps. im sure it will sink in for my family at some point and im sorry yours are being that way :)
big hugs x
Aww I'm so sorry to hear how sucky they being to u. I don't understand that if you love and care for your children and you are happy about preg why can't they be? To all of you who deserve but have not recieved positive reactions a huge hug and even bigger congratulations xxxx
How rubbish. But like others have said, you and your OH are happy and know that you can give that child everything it needs. The problem is that you wouldn't allow someone you know or a friend to say these things, you'd probably cut off contact. But family seem to think it's ok to say these things because you are tied to eachother. Well it isn't!!! So don't be afraid of putting a bit of distance between you and them if that's what it takes, and surround yourself with people you choose to spend time with because they make you feel better and not worse about your life decisions. I think having a baby is fab and you can have a hug off me!!!!

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