Faint line - OPK?


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2007
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I'm wondering what this could mean. I have just tested OPK now. I have my first ever result on the things and i'm confused.

I have been testing OPK's for 5 days now each time getting negatives. I didn't test testerday as I was travelling all day and completely forgot about it when I got home at 11 last night.

Tested now and wondering about the faint line.. could it mean that if I tested yesterday it would have been positive and i'm OV'ing now (would a faint line show up if I was ov?) or do you think I could be about to OV and this is the start of the 'surge'?

I don't think i'm making myself clear - I could kick myself I didn't test yesterday!! Still don't know when I OV!!!!!!!! grrr
erm sorry to be the bearer of bad news - but it could mean anything :? you can get random faint lines on opks, it could be the start of a surge or the end of it. The amount of FSH in your body can vary naturally all the time and until you get a positive you can never be sure.

Did you b'd yesterday or the day before anyway? And make sure you do today - but I'd keep on testing. Try to check all the other signs of ov - e.g. cm and see if you think you're oving today
I got my ovpk line today MicheLou :D
So, I'm taking it to mean I'm ovulating either tonight or tomz and I'm feeling happy and positive about it,
and I do hope you are feeling better about your line now? :hug:
Here's to making babies this weekend :cheer: :hug: :cheer:


Mine usually comes up with a faint line on day 13, a slightly darker line (but still not as dark as the test on day 14) and a pos on day 15. Not sure what it does afterwards coz I've never continued testing after that but I'd probably do another test tomorrow and take it from there (and keep BDing).

Good luck for this month :)
That's what my test sticks always came up with. Everytime I used one a faint line always appeared so I never knew when I was OVing. I did what Libs has suggested to you, just check for other signs of OVing and I bd'd lots during the time I should have been OV'ing and I got pregnant despite not even getting a positive OV stick. Good luck :hug:
tested OPK last night again and was negative so i'm thinking I was OV'ing then. I'm over the moon really to get a positive result anyway - means I am ovulating and even if I don't fall pregnant this month I can feel positive that I now know when OV is. I should feel confident about conceiving this month as we've seen that every opportunity to conceiv has been took and we've been on holiday too - so hopefully!

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