Excited...think I'm nesting!


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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My mum dropped of 7 storage boxes of baby grows, vests, Muslins, towels, blankets, cardigans, shoes, tights, bibs, bottles, spoons, toys etc etc today and I've spent all day picking them up, folding them, putting them into size range and then decided to wash the towels and blankets.

There is honestly going to be nothing left to buy!

All we need now is our baby!

Tooooooooo excited! Pointless really but just saying! Lol! Xxxxx:)


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Gosh hun, you are very organised! I only have a few bits and only bought them as I felt guilty because I'd not bought anything :shock:

As we are staying team yellow we're not going to get too much clothes wise before bub arrives and I think we'll go for a unisex blanket, towel etc...

My sister has some lovely cream Winnie The Pooh bedding for the crib (it is used but in excellent condition), she also has a lovely white bedding set that she'll lend us and we'll put the cot up when bub grows out of crib so we'll buy new bedding then.

The big expenses will be the cot and pram - we're going to order them after scan on 18th :lol:

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Most of my stuff is white or bright colours but since we found out the sex both mum and. Have bought loads of girly things! My mum had already had a shopping spree and bought her dresses for Christmas that she found in the sale and we've been getting bits and bobs since our dating scan.

My mum knotted 42 pink/girly cardigans for my baby nephew S everyone was so sure he was a girl. Turned out to be a big baby boy so all the things went away in the boxes. They are gorgeous and I totally adore the little organza ribbon ties, rosebuds and pretty buttons. How lucky am I! Mum had even bought cups, spoons, feeding pots.

Can't wait to show daddy tomorrow!

I'm getting second hand stuff too-mainly the cot from my brother, just need fletcher to grow out of it and not his bunked with his big brother. He'll be 1 when D arrives so it's worked out perfect. I love how we can share loads. They are giving me the cot, high chair, jumparoo, bimbo, play gym etc.

I waited to see what I was having before ordering my pram. But got carried away and ordered so much more! A very pretty little swinging crib and drapes for our room!

I'm also getting things hand made. My best friend is doing the cot bumper and cover set. As D will be with me for 6 months I wanted the same bed covers as her crib stuff. So my friend is gong to make them in the same fabric. I'll just buy a single set and she'll. Hop it up and do her magic.

How exciting is all this! Bet you can't wait for the scan!!! Xxxx
See this stupid iPad for correcting. Hope u can make out what I meant! X
Oh bless - I am in a similar position as my sister has a lot of stuff - her youngest is 15 months now.

My SIL is due around the same time as me but it will be their second too so they already have a lot of stuff so I am getting all my sisters bits...

Sis is also donating crib (as well as the bed covers and bumper sets) and we'll buy a new mattress. Parents said they'll buy the cot and sister has suggested that if anyone else wants to buy us a gift we ask for money towards the pram. I think we're going for a Bugaboo Chameleon :lol:

Everything else we'll get ourselves - we've been saving furiously so have a bit of money put aside for the initial outlay.

I think staying team yellow will mean we cannot go to mad on the clothing front...

As I say we'll go neutral for towel, blankets and get some unisex gro-bags (although bub has to be over 8lbs before they can go into them!)

We'll all get a bouncer and a play mat and baby bath. Once I have the scan next week I'll make a proper list!

Bub will be in with us until we move :)shock:) so we don't have to worry about a nursery just yet!

Its great being given things. The way I see it is they may not be new but they are all new to me!! With 2 boys there isn't really much they can pass on clothes wise but looking at the 7 boxes there aint much to get!

I stayed up to 2am washing, drying and ironing! Back on the go again this am so I can watch the tennis with my oh.

What colour of pram u going for? I really wanted the mimi so I'm over the moon she's a girl! Far to pretty and girly for a wee boy! Xxxxxx

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I am loving this nesting feeling! It's making it all more real.
Sounds like you're nearly done for little miss Daisy...... well for a little while anyway as babies go through so much. Glad you were able to get the pram you love too. She is so loved already!!
We found the perfect pushchair yesterday which even my mum can fold and pick up with her bad arthritic hand so I've just gone on a big splurge and bought loads of baby stuff (see my up and coming post!)

Oh I want to meet my baby now!!XXXX
I would nest now if I could but it feels weird before 20 week scan - however after 18th June I am going to go on a serious shopping spree :lol:

I think as we don't know gender we'll have to go for a neutral pram colour, maybe stone or off white? Although it's going to be winter so not sure about a light colour?

Decisions, decisions hey!

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I would nest now if I could but it feels weird before 20 week scan - however after 18th June I am going to go on a serious shopping spree :lol:

I think as we don't know gender we'll have to go for a neutral pram colour, maybe stone or off white? Although it's going to be winter so not sure about a light colour?

Decisions, decisions hey!


We're team yellow too so I went for the stone and sand colour - it looks silvery and I thought we could just get a more gender specific foot muff once baby is here (gone for a plain black one to begin). You'll be nesting and spending before you know it!X
wow Gayle how organised are you wish I was that organised lol Organised to go minion shopping at end of July but got a week off work at end of June and I just have to go shopping then so hubby has been told this is whats happening............now all we need to do is find a secret location where no prying eyes will see any coloured stuff we buy lol xxx
Just wait till your scan.....it becomes a million more times more real Nat! We only started to want to do all this soon as we seen Daisy and knew what colour we could go for. I'm so glad I never decided team yellow....I've honestly cried since Thursday so I can only imagine what that on top of the birth emotions would have done to me! I'm sure you ladies will cope better than me though, I've just never been one for surprises!

I've never stopped all weekend, I said last week I would be doing nothing on these 2 days off but the nesting kicked in and I'm now bloody shattered.

Yes Karen......you need to go far far away from your spies! Is it not too tiring this secret keeping? Lol!!!

Debbie, I want to meet my baby now too! Impatient! Xxxxxx
Wow so organised I am very impressed :)

I wont be able to do shopping until we move back to New Zealand. I will be 30 weeks when we get back so as soon as we get home I will be able to buy cot/buggy etc. Wont go hard out on clothes as we wont know the sex. I have bought one thing so far a little blanket from TKMax.
I think we will buy the Phillips Avent feeding range from the UK as it's cheaper than in in NZ. Actually most things are cheaper here. But it would be to costly to ship it all back.

Im a PA for my work so everything in life has to be organised for me!!! I am a freak when it comes to things like holidays, parties etc. I think I should go into party planning.

Could you maybe pay extra to take an empty suitcase over? Or is anyone planning on visiting you after you go and before baby arrives??

Everything is so blooming expensive hu. Can only imagine what its like in NZ.
Im a PA for my work so everything in life has to be organised for me!!! I am a freak when it comes to things like holidays, parties etc. I think I should go into party planning.

Could you maybe pay extra to take an empty suitcase over? Or is anyone planning on visiting you after you go and before baby arrives??

Everything is so blooming expensive hu. Can only imagine what its like in NZ.

It's really expensive to have extra weight when you fly :( And we are already shipping back 3 boxes to NZ with just our stuff.

I use to be a PA so I know what you mean about liking things organised! I wont have work to go back to in NZ though I will be on maternity leave so I will have lots of time to organise. I just wish I could start buying baby stuff after my scan next week :) I love hearing what everyone else is buying and people planning the nursery :) xxx
Yeah it is so expensive, defeats the purpose of buying cheap here I guess.

I just added a picture. This is only the things my mum sent. Shes such a sweetie but omg where will I put it all?!! My lodger moves in less than 3 weeks now and I cannot wait. Everything is getting packed up to move his things out so part of my living room looks bare - Can't wait to get my girly things back and make the house pretty again for me and my girl!!

Im cracking up about work and not sure what I will do with the time off before she arrives. If I was physically well enough I would work right up to the end but with the CFS I am already struggling so can only imagine its going to get so much more worse. I should probably have a rest before my life goes hectic! Lol :)

Yes Karen......you need to go far far away from your spies! Is it not too tiring this secret keeping? Lol!!!

Haha nope there is nothing else in my blonde head bar that secret that everyone wants to know :dance:xxx
Yuck! Lol! U know how much I hate a surprise. I have my theory anyway. However, as we've already discovered this week I'm rubbish at guessing the sex, so it will be the opposite to what I think. Xxx
when does nesting apparently start?
i'v written loads of lists of what to get & can't wait to start getting organised just hope im not falling behind :)
Mine was as soon as I conceived! Lol! Just an organised type of person. How many weeks are you? Xx

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