What will I need for my newborn?

I kidd you not...from the linked page
How to Use

Place the nozzle at the end of baby’s nostril (not inside) and suck through the mouthpiece to clear any visible mucus or blockage. The congestion will collect in the sealed chamber which is hygienically protected by a filter to prevent any chance of suck back
yeah i no wat i need nos i got the list but i dont no how much id need i brought 5 packs of baby wipes i prob need them all an wud prob be waisted so i dont know of how much i actually need :(
I feel stupid as i dont know how many things i need although i know its x1 for baby bath obviously but other things is just woah. gud job i wrote the list down because its guna be so diffucult now let alone tryin to save to get all this lol :D x
Ive been buying bits n bobs whenever I go to the supermarket when they're on special offer. Hoping to spread the cost a bit!
My friend with her first baby actually put her mouth over her nose and sucked all the mucus out as she was desperate and it was in the middle of the night, I think her OH threw up - I couldnt help but giggle..
okay we need the big eye for that one!! GROSSSSSS!
lol!! I'm going to be sure to re-read this thread when in my next 2ww, just to make me a bit less psycho/desperate to get that BFP!! I'm totally grossed out haha! Xx
Yuk, yuk, yuk - really wish i hadn't read this thread, or just eaten! Can't say i have ever needed a device like this nor will be buying one - amazing how things change! Anymore interesting gagets you ladies can come up with?
I thought there was no sucking involved with an aspirator..... i thought it was just a bulb like on the end and air suction pulled it out.............. like a turkey baster !!!!!! lol
hard to control though, you dont want a machine sucking on your childs head, it might pull too hard and damage it
oh good gosh my sister has three kids under 6 and i swear ive never seen or heard mention of one of those snot sucker things lmao!!!

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