Episiotomy (or whatever its called)

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Oh my word! I'm in pain.

Does anyone have any advice on how to help it heal quicker? I am terrified of going to the loo, have tried and I get too scared and stop trying lol which I know its probably only making it worse. I have that plus a few tears.
I'm just home from hospital which is nice, even though I'm in agony and struggling to walk. My OH is currently giving my little man a tour of the house? X
I dont know how you can help it heal quicker but if you pour a jug of warm water over your bits while having a pee it really helps with the pain if I remember right! no one warned me about this pain last time and OMG the first time I went to the toilet I was jsut about in tears!! and held it in after for ages coz I couldnt face it again. My midwife told me about the water thing and it was the best day ever for me! lol.
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owchers.. i do feel for you.. advice i've been given is:

pour warm water on your bits the same time as going for a wee
drink loads of water to dilute your wee as much as possible
likewise lots of fruit and veg so you don'tget constipated as that can hurt your tear as well

my tear is classed as "gaping" at the moment and the midwife said to try and let some air get to it too... after each visit to the loo i have been sitting on a dark coloured towel on my bed and had a fan pointed at me bits!! It feels quite a bit better after doing that... although time consuming the midwife said just keep it clean clean clean... using lots of moist toilet wipes and then trying to let the fan really dry things off after!

cold ice compress are meant to help too (a little bag of frozen peas wrapped inside a thin sock) -helps with swelling too

i haven't tried them yet but arnica tablets are meant to help reduce swelling and help with healing

i asked the midwife if there's anything i can do to help it heal quicker but she said no just keep it clean and let the air get to it (as well as all the stuff above). She reckons normal healing time is 2-3 weeks for a 2nd degree or episiotomy wound.

oh, and sitting on a towel or blanket rolled into a do-nut shape, and not to sit in the same position for too long (lay down or on your side).

I do feel your pain.. mine is a bit better today but it's so awkward kneeling on the floor to change Emma and even sitting with her sometimes is awkward.. hope it feels better soon. I've got the midwife checking my "gaping stitches" on Thursday (nice expression eh!?) so hopefully they will have improved by then...

sorry for waffling on as usual but hope some of that info might help - nice to hear your home now - enjoy and relax with your cute little one x x x
if ur scared to go number 2 trust me it isnt as bad as you expect, i was advised to press a clean sanitry towel over the wound while going, seemed to work for me. also the water thing really helped also keep drinking lots of water it dilutes your urine
I really feel your pain :(

Use the shower head to wash it in the shower, I was advised not to use anything but water to wash it. I've had an infection and the stitches broke down so I just have a tear which they're saying probably won't close and I'll need plastic surgery at some point. I can't find anything else to help it, it just aches. Its actually sorer today and thats 2 and a half weeks since the birth :( Hopefully your's will heal nicely. Oh you can try paracetamol and ibuprofen. I was giving 100 co codamol!

I used this when I had an episiotomy with my first birth - http://www.theremustbeabetterway.co...ngel_Baby_Postpartum_Recovery_Bath_Herbs.html
It has no fragrance & all the ingredients are natural. Arnica & lavender are also great natural healers. As everyone has said getting air to your stitches will aid the healing process. When I was in hospital they would not send you home until you'd done a number 2!!
Trust me the fear is worse than going to the loo, it really isn't so bad.

Sunnyb xxx
When i had LO i had 2nd degree tear and too other bad labial tears (tmi sorry!) the Midwife told me to soak a maternity pad in which hazel and put it in the freezes for a while then pop it in my Knickers it really did help with the pain and the swelling! x
Thanks ladies. Midwife said today stitches healing fine but I'm still in a lot of pain, I think it's right inside me cos he was delivered by mid cavity forceps the wound is quite far in. I managed to go to loo and wasnt as bad as I expected. But now when I need again and can't go cos it's too sore I end u in even more pain.
I can't wait for it to heal, it's ruining my enjoyment of being a new mum x

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