Episiotomy stitches...


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
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This has probably been covered a lot before but I can't find a thread about it on my phone!

How uncomfortable are you meant to be after an episiotomy and when should you start to worry about the pain?
I had one and its really uncomfortable though not painful, feels kind of like how you'd feel after rough sex (lol) bruised and sore and awkward to sit down and get back up. Is that normal? Pain killers help but I'm scared its gonna get worse instead of better!
Anyone who's had one got any tips on helping ease the pain/heal quicker?

Thanks in advance!x
i was so sore i couldnt walk, laugh, cough, move in bed, get up from sofa.. nothing. i took arnica tablets and after 9 days i could take a walk x
Sounds about right to me, I also found it got worse before it got better.....quick hot baths, arnica tablets and paracetamol got me through the first couple of weeks...happy healing x
i had a tear n 10 stitches so along the same lines as being cut,

i found arnica tablets n really hot salty baths helped but it did get worse b4 it got better, good luck xxx
i was so sore i couldnt walk, laugh, cough, move in bed, get up from sofa.. nothing. i took arnica tablets and after 9 days i could take a walk x

God that sounds really bad! Hope you've healed nicely now, poor you!

I have no idea what arnica tablets are but I'm getting some first thing in the morning! X
I had a 3rd degree tear so similar and you described it as I felt very bruised!after about 2wks I felt better but arnica tablets are meant to really help!and they help bring out all your bruising so you heal quicker!
i couldn't get up but it hurt sitting down, even on a pillow. It hurt coughing, laughing, sneezing. Going to the toilet was horrid. And the bleeding didn't help. But i made sure i kept it clean. I used baby wipes when going to the toilet instead of tissue. I didn't think the pain would ever stop but 3 weeks it was healed. I had open wounds to that they couldn't stitch and they were fine.

trust me once there healed ull forget all about it. I can't remember the pain :) x
Oh great I don't want it to get worse! Why does no one tell you these things about having kids?! They never warn you about anything. Though its all worth it :) I'm actually excited about going to get these tablets lol I hope I can get some now!
Will try a bath later too, showers actually really help me so far so a bath might work wonders!
Thanks girls! X
I'm still suffering 2 weeks later. It does get better everyday - I'm ok sitting down but still can't stand or walk for very long before the feeling of pressure/throbbing in my urethra area starts and I have to
lie down.

How much longer till I feel normal!?
I had a 2nd degree tear. It wasnt sore until the painkillers wore off! Then it got REALLY painful. I was in tears peeing. I was so scared to wipe myself. It got better each day but at around 2 weeks it suddenly took a turn to ITCHY. It was sooooooo unbearable. Im now completely pain free and have been since about 3 weeks after birth x
That's where I struggle the most with the pain having to wee, its horrific! I got some arnica tablets today so hopefully they'll help out a bit, its only really bad if I sit for too long or walk too much so I'm hoping it stays that way and doesn't get worse!x
Oh no I think I just lost two stitches :wall2: this is not good is it?! X
one of mine tore open and mw checked and she said as long as its kept clean it will heal. And mine did x
i was advised while pregnant to bath in distilled witch hazel but as I had c section never experienced it, might be worth giving it a go the lady that told me highly recommended it.
Oh god this is awful, my foof looks deformed. I've spent the best part of this morning in tears cos I stupidly looked to see if I'd lost stitches, I have and it looks vile. Can't even see a midwife until Monday so I've just gotta sit and wait to see what will happen x
im still sore now n again down there, still have not looked what it looks like tho, not sure i want to know!
i lost a stitch.... it looked dodgy for a couple of days n MAN did it hurt, and to be honest still hurts when we have sex but only when he is goin in,

but keep it clean n it will heal back to normal, midwife told me its common n that its the swelling & bruising that causes it

So it does still heal then? I'm panicking I'm gonna just have a gaping great big hole where my foof used to be lol x
Yep I thought that I lost a stitch but was told because they use dissolving stitches you will find them!
It took me 8 wks to look as I couldn't bring myself to look!
it took me ages to look too, the thought of it was far, far worse than how it actually is! I haven't let OH have a good look yet though lol

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