Personally, my epidural was the best thing that I had during labour. I woke up at 3.45am with quite strong contractions every 3 minutes, and they stayed like this. All they gave me for the first few hours was paracetamol as I wasn't dilating at all. At about 5pm, they gave me pethadine. Definitely not recommended!!! All I did was sleep, wake up during a contraction, sleep, wake up to throw up, then sleep. For 3 hours, the only time I was awake, I was in pain or being sick - not nice! At about 8.30pm I asked for an epidural. The midwife said 'let's leave you for another hour and we'll see how you go!'. Well, needless to say, she received a few well chosen words (well screams!), and then proceeded to call the aneasthetist!!
Once I was wheeled through to the delivery room, he turned up, I had a couple of seconds of uncomfortable pushing in my back when he inserted the needle, but then pain free! I managed to get some sleep then, and they topped up the epidural (can't remember if once or twice). I finally started pushing at 3.45am and my daughter was born at 5.15am. I was still absolutely shattered after, but if I had not had the epidural, I know full well that I would not have been able to cope with the actual birth at all.
This was 12 years ago, and as I wasn't working at the time, I was able to go to every single anti-natel class, and the one thing I will say is that the midwifes at these classes constantly pushed for a natural birth with minimal pain relief. When I finally plucked up the courage to ask for an epidural, I felt a complete failure. I also could not stop apologising to my oh (ex) as I felt I was weak and had also let him down because I couldn't do it on my own.
I am currently ttc again, and I know that when i do finally conceive, I will opt for an epidural at the first twinge! I was not and am not a failure. Giving birth is very easy for some, but not for others. Some people have a very quick delivery, but still feel that they have been through the mill after. Others have a long labour, but sail through it. Everyone is different, and although people will always offer advice, do what you want and what feels right for you.