
I had a bad experience with it to be honest , i didnt want one . But had been in slow labour for a few days and was exhausted so I was advised to have one to get some sleep .
It didn't work.... or rather it did for twenty minutes and I got some rest then it wore off , I had a top up which had no effect , I could feel everything and as I was so upset they gave me a spinal block . The spinal block was great , except I HAD to lie down on my back . I would say keep your mind open to having an epi , as my mum had three and swears by them ,. but if you can avoid it and have an active labour it will be easier . no catheter and less chance of tearing :) Im sorry if I scared you ? Just sharing a different point of view .
I had one! Getting the needle actually in my spine hurt loads more thatn giving birth!
He didnt wait for the anisthetic to kick in before he made the insicion in my back and I passed out after they got everything in place so they had to lie me on my side till I came round and all the block went to the left side of me from the waist down, so I felt everything and all on the right side.....
However I am more than likely having a spinal block again this time although nervous a bit about getting the procedure done, but my hosp dont like to put you under a general to do a CSections so im getting prepped up in advance just incase as well as the muscle fatigue which will prob kick in during labour!

Giving birth isnt something Im actually worried about...I had a lovely labour with DD, painfull yes but worth every second of it and in a strange kinda way Im looking forward to doing it all again as the feeling you get when your holding your baby for the first time wipes all the pain away...for me it did anyway!

keep an open mind till the time comes its different for everyone! My sis had 3 and loved them felt nothing and would always choose to have them! xx
Thanks hun did u ask for the c-section? xxx

well my boys where born with congenital talipes!

an they gave me an elective c-section for my first i was sooooo scared an all i did was cry ( fear of the unknown )

with my 2nd she said oh had 1 section i was like yes she said another one i was like yeah haha then she stated if i have another i have no choice i have to have one but also said i cant have no more after this so my last baby now :) xx
I had epi with my first nealry 6 yrs ago and hated it but was in labour so long they advised me to get it you have to stay in bed cant feel anything and you have drips in your hands which hurt a lot! I couldnt move my hand for days after and suffer with a really weak wrist now. My legs were numb for ages after so when I was on the ward with my baby I had to get the nurses to help me with everything n felt so helpless and I couldnt breastfeed properly I have suffered with backpain since aswel. With my second I didnt have any pain relief at all and really enjoyed that labour and felt like I could bond better with baby as I was able to move about straight away and I went straight home too. Also been able to move about when I wanted was a big help and your bady takes over and does what it needs to do with the epi it doesnt coz you cant feel anything they have to tell you when to push n everything. This time im hoping for a home waterbirth no pain relief again and I can get straigt inot my own comfy bed with my husband and baby and dont need to worry about who will look after my daughters while im in hospital so there routine wont be disturbed too much either. Id say try go without it if possible but if you cant cope then have one just makes sure you have really thought about it first as you might suprise yourself with how much pain you can actually cope with once your in labour x
id say keep an open mind and only use it as a last resort its amazing what the body actually can cope with and just believe in your body and your baby
Thanks i dont think i will cope with the pain lol is it a pain that you just cant handle like excruciating pain? xxx
Shauna, my auntie had a water birth with her 2nd and said it was soo much less painful. I know that's not what your asking but just thought I'd mention it because I'm terrified of pain too! So was thinking about a water birth :) I suppose everyones opinions and experiences will be different though! xxx
I have actually thought about this! Maybe give it some time see how i feel xxx
Thanks i dont think i will cope with the pain lol is it a pain that you just cant handle like excruciating pain? xxx

It's like no other pain in the world!! but if you remember that each contraction is bringing you closer to your gorgeous baba, it really helps (for a certain amount of time lol)
I had an epidural because i had an emergency c section,really wasnt half as bad as i thought it would be- worse was anaethnestist sticking his thumb in my spine to find the right place!
Thanks i dont think i will cope with the pain lol is it a pain that you just cant handle like excruciating pain? xxx

It's like no other pain in the world!! but if you remember that each contraction is bringing you closer to your gorgeous baba, it really helps (for a certain amount of time lol)
This is true, its horrendously painful but every pain brings u closer, and i just think it dont last for ever and is soon over then u av your baba x
Thanks i dont think i will cope with the pain lol is it a pain that you just cant handle like excruciating pain? xxx

It's like no other pain in the world!! but if you remember that each contraction is bringing you closer to your gorgeous baba, it really helps (for a certain amount of time lol)
This is true, its horrendously painful but every pain brings u closer, and i just think it dont last for ever and is soon over then u av your baba x
Honestly its bad , but its so worth it , I'm actually looking forward to doing it all again :x I'll regret saying that I'm sure hahah . I enjoyed the labour , obviously not the pain but how strong I felt for doing in if that makes sense ?
My Mum swears by epidural when giving birth to me she didnt have one was in labour for 27 hours and had to have 13 stitches. With my sister who was a breach birth she loved it, she had the epidural had only 2 stitches and felt so much more recovered after im seeing how it plays out on the day xx

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