Epidural Experiences


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2012
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I would like to know your experiences with Epidural.

I have started thinking about my birth plan and i have always wanted a water birth and didnt want a epidural.

But now Im pregnant and have to come up with a decision in the next few months im beginning to question if a epidural may be more of a better option

I've had a baby with and without an epi and I'd have an epi every time. They have been fab for me and helped me to enjoy labour :)
Do they take away all the pain?but can you still feel contractions and when to push?
Yes, pain free but could few the pressure to push without problem. They tapered it off near the end so I could push and it was great
Fully? Well my legs were numb for a good 3hrs afterwards.
I had an Epi and I'm soooo glad I did. I was induced and ended up on drip. After 3 hrs on drip I begged for an Epi! Lol. I was still able to feel pressure and was able to push no bother. But I ended up with a c section as LO got stuck so my Epi was just topped up xx
I had an epi, that was bumped up to c-section standard & it took about 4 hours to wear off. I could still feel contractions all the way through, but no pain atall, and pushed no problem x
Its my first and i just dont know what to expect . Im afraid i may get tramatised with the pain n will stop me from having more kids lol

After watching episodes of baby ER the woman with an epi see so much more relaxed
i LOVED MY EPI!! didnt hurt one bit going in and i could just relax! they reccomended an epi due to baby being back to back x
I'd suggest keeping an open mind as quite often your birth plan goes out of the window!! It's good to be informed about options but often things happen that rule out things you'd planned.
I wasn't planning on one but on the day I was so tired as had been in labour for so long. As soon as I had the Epi I could think again and things progressed soooo much quicker. With the epi's they give you at the hospital I went to they don't numb your legs so you can move if needed and also it wears off really quickly.

I would have one again in a blink of an eye, I was able to enjoy what could of been traumatising dye to him getting stuck into an experience I dealt with and no distress caused.

See what happens on the day just be open minded and if you think you want one ask early. Xx
An epidural was great, it never hurt I would highly recommend it x
I loved my epidural so much, didn't even feel it go in, and after having it, I could feel tightening and everything else, but no pain, it was amazing. Hubby and I watched films through my labour, occasionally looking at the monitor saying "ooo that was a big one!!" Didn't slow me down or cause any probs, I was up and in the shower 90mins after my LO was born.
I had an epi and loved it. I could still feel tightnings so I new when to push but after being in labour for 4 days with a back to back baby. It was amazing helped me get some much needed sleep and just generally felt better to deal with the rest of labour x
I could not have done it without! I slept from 4-9cm & was in labour for 36 hours so knackered! First one only numbed half my body so they did it again & it was heaven! I would not consider having another one without an epidural, god knows how people do it with no drugs!! X
I had an EPI with my first baby, she is 9 now so quite a while ago. It really was great, couldn't feel it going in or anything. I had it because I was so exhausted after being in labour for so long. I remember the midwife saying "there's that smile back" once it had kicked in, so that says it all. I've since went on to have my other daughter with diamorphine and just gas and air with my son, so I wouldn't say I'd get it everytime, but it's definitely worth it if it's needed xx
I was really open to trying gas and air etc first but I was induced with the drip and when they were putting it in, they said they had booked the anaesthetist to come as I would need one. After 7 hours I had it. It was great, I went straight to sleep as I'd been in hospital for 3 days without any. I had 2 top ups as it wore off and it wore off when I was ready to push so I could feel when to push. I would def have it again!

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