Hospital Stays

I had a natural birth with G&A and stayed in overnight (gave birth at 6.30pm) and left at lunchtime the next day.
With Isaac I ended up with a spinal block in prep for a c-section but thankfully he came with a forceps delivery :pray: My waters went on the Tuesday evening and he was born on the Saturday afternoon, I laboured at home until the friday though, so I expected to be in at least 1 night, but he developed high jaundice levels and had to be incubated so we ended up in there a week. The hospital and staff were fine, I just wanted to be home.

With Ophelia I was drug free, she was very fast, my active labour time is noted as 5mins :lol: but she was small and 3wks early, and needed to be put under some heat lights for a while, and I gave birth to her at 8.55pm so obviously had to stay that night but because she was also PROM (premature rupture of membranes) and small, they made me stay a second night.

After wanting homebirths with both my babies I wasn't best pleased, but after Isaac I prepared myself for a possible hospital stay as you just never know and I enjoyed the time there with Ophelia a lot more for the pre-thinking (actually I was bored rigid :lol: that sounds horrid, it was lovely to spend the time staring at my baby :D ) As long as you and baby are well they will let you leave asap, but remember that anything can happen, so maybe some positive thinking about a hospital stay now will help for the birthday, and if you are in and out fast, fantastic :D Have you considered a homebirth? Also you can labour at home for as long as you're comfortable then go into hospital, so you spend less time there as labour can take a while. There's lots of ladies here who've lovely homebirth stories and there's a great link with info here;

i had all natural births with gas and air and one with no pain releif and stayed in for 5-6 hours :)
I gave birth at 6.54am and was out the following lunchtime at about 1.00pm. I had a natural labour with gas and air, but I did have a 3rd degree tear, so had a catheter (sp) fitted which is why I had to stay overnight otherwise would have been allowed out the same day.
I had Scarlett at 10am Wed and was out 5pm on Saturday. I have Group B Strep, and they hadn't picked it up in time. So DD had to have antibiotics in SCBU :wall:
i had an epidural birth and one with just G&A

epi birth i was in for 2 nights but i think it was cuz it was my first and i was 16 at the time so i think they wanted to make sure i could change his nappy and feed him properly :roll:

G&A birth i had baby at 6.28am and was out by dinner time :lol: :lol:
I had a natural birth with just gas and air and had LO at 14:20. I was allowed home the following morning. I would have been allowed home the day i had him if he wasn't my first
i went in for an induction on monday morning had Willow 6:51am wednesday by emergency c section was home friday by about 4pm.
I was induced after my waters broke with Harrison, recorded labour was 1 hour 31 minutes, I had an epi (well half of one :roll: )- had him at 17.31 and was out tea time the next day. With Paris I got stuck at 5cm, I was overdosed on epi heart stopped and paris wasn't breathing in for 2 nights and I discharged us :oops: [paris was given the all clear]
i had a natural birth, by ventouse with g&a, diamorphine and an epi.

I was in for 3 nights.....and hated it :( . Only because OH wasnt allowed to stay later than 10pm, and I was confined to my bed and in a lotta pain.They gave me paracetamol for the pain (that helped a LOT! :roll: ) I think it would have been better if i was on a ward, and able to move about, not being able to get up in the first few hours was really annoying :? .
I was in 6days before and 6days after. I had a natural birth with gas and air. I got taken in on the wednesday because of high blood pressure and protein and was put on a ward with 4 beds. Only 2nights out of 6 was there anyone in with me the rest of the time I was by myself. Then when I had Ivy they kept me in because of the risks of me getting Eclemptia were high. BUT because I was going to be in so long and the fact that the middys had a soft spot for us we were given a privet room. I think you can actually pay to have a privet room if you want it. :hug: The chances of you being in the same ward as someone you dont get on with are very slim also if you have just had a baby the last thing on your mind is fighting so hopefully the same will go for them. IF it does happen and you are kept in then I would say they would change you to a different room if you honestly thought you or your babe were at risk. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I went in on the Tuesday. Had an Csection on Thursday and came home the Thursday after. I was begging to go home from about Saturday lol. I was so lucky to have a private room I think I would of gone insane on a ward.

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