What does an epidural feel like?

hmmm this is what ive always wondered and i see them being done everyday...A spinal is a one off injection in the back that lasts for up to 4-6 hours and an epidural is one they can top up...

Not sure if either appeal to me as im also needle phobic and have seen the biggest of men pass out from these.

Think i shall see what pain is worse a sharp scatch or a contraction lol xx

You know what i found worse? It was the drip going in, and seriously i dont do needles at all im a total baby but the epidurals and spinal were nothing compared to the drip xx
I was similar to you, bit phobic of being sick and wasn't sure about gas and air. I used it however and it was fine didn't feel sick! I did feel a bit sick in early labour- posted my birth story recently where I talked about how it didn't really bother me like it normally would. I used a tens machine and hypno breathing which helped keep me very calm. I too would have preferred an epi to the diamorphine for same reasons as you, but as my labour didn't drag on and it took only 2 1/2 hours once I got to hospital it wasn't an option and I was managing well. Xx
Didn't feel much when they put the epidural in - and it worked well for a while, then I started to get intense pain and needed the epidural topped up. It was only when they topped it up that I could feel liquid running down my back. When they looked they realised the epidural had come out.. No wonder I was in so much pain! They had to take the old one out and redo a new epidural... After that it was heaven... No pain at all! Would definitely recommend an epi every time!! :-)
It was bliss! Lol!! He literally put the needle in and it was almost straight away calming!! I didn't like the not feeling my legs bit tho. I could very slightly feel them tho. I lost feeling of contraction too x
I had an epidural whilst on the drip and they did it in between contractions, I didnt feel it, just felt a bit of pressure and then I was pain free it was amazing, i was so tired as had been induced and was in labour for what seemed like forever, as soon as drip went in I couldnt cope with the pain and I would def recommend the epidural. I needed stitches and couldnt feel a thing. The only thing I would say is i wish i could have felt when i needed to push rather than them telling me to x
i had the diamorphine, it made me vomit unbelievably, that wore off and i was given the drip to speed contractions up and it was unbareable pain, i used gas and air through the contractions until they had the epi in, i felt numb except in one part of my tummy but until i as ready to push i just lay on my side and it spread the epi across so i was completely numb, This was a godsend when i was ready to push as once i lay on my back i could feel a mini version of the contraction in that one part so i knew when to push. I was completely numb everywhere else i only felt pressure when he was coming out no burning or painful crowning. i always remeber saying to my MW i feel pressure in my bum i hope i dont need a poo... she examined me and said i was fully dialted and he had made his way down a lot already :-D x
Thank you for all your comments ladies :). I find them extremely useful so keep them coming xx
I have had two spinals (not for labour though but pregnancy related) and I have to say they were no where near as bad as I thought! I had more pain with the cannula and blood tests (my veins are rediculously tiny and bad for giving blood) and I hate anything needle!

I would consider having one this time round but my fear is that they won't be able to do it in time If I choose to have one - I had a fast labour last time and have been warned 2nd babies are usually faster!
the best feeling in the world after hours or extremely painful contractions...epidurals are amazingg
I had a lovely epidural! Can't see it going in - which is my least favourite part of getting a needle, I can't watch - and after a few minutes of sitting very still while it was sorted out, it was amazing. No pain AT ALL for rest of labour or pushing baby out. DEFFO want one again if I have another! I also loved gas and air, didn't make me sick at all, just in a pleasant woozy land.
i wasnt keen on gas or diamorphine, i hate being out of control and didnt want anything that messed with my head. i couldnt sit in the right positing for the epi by the time i could have 1 so i ended up only being able to have gas and diamorphine. the gas really helped and i could ket it wear off or take more as i needed and i cant say i even felt the diamorphine. my oh says it didnt seem to affect me either.

have to say the gas didnt make me feel sick, it ws being told to eat while being in labour that made me sick so chances are it might happen to you anyway hun.
Thanks ladies :)..These comments have really been useful!..Im definitely more convinced about having an epi :)
epidural = a godsend, i, like many of the others ended up on the drip and the pain was immense, i didn't feel them put the epi in at all and the mw even told me to have an hours sleep/rest once it had taken effect and that she would be back an hour later for me to push, it was fab to be able to rest and feel no pain and tbh i could still feel the pressure of the contractions but no pain what so ever. I had to have stitches too which again because of the epi i didn't feel which was great! The only downside is not been able to move your legs or feel if you need a pee, luckily the mw felt my bladder (which apparently was so full it was bulging) so inserted a catheter to drain my pee out but again, didn't feel a thing! I'm deffo going for the epi again this time :) xx
The epidural didn't work for me, I was most disappointed with it, after it had been inserted I could still feel pain :(

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