Emetophobia / fear of being sick for squiggle


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Hi squiggle

i did not know how to copy and paste the whole thread but I wanted you to know you were not alone. There are so many other girls feeling the same. I have actually been sick now and it wasn't as bad as i thought.
pm me if you need support hunx This is an old thread but still very relevant xx

Hi guys

It is running joke in my family about my obsession with being sick, other being sick and hygiene and food. I had had some serious sickness in my life and now I think I am left with this

emetophobia: a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of vomiting or throwing up, despite the understanding by the phobic individual and reassurance by others that there is no danger.

Has anyone else got this? I panic like mad before or if I feel sick and it is ruining my pregnancy. Do you think hypnotherapy or the doc could help?
I am having a wee break from the nausea now.

I am an antibacterial handwash, handwasher lady macbeth, don't eat chicken unless almost burnt,seafood kind of person...not good

or am i just normal and just everyone hates it with a passion ?
i have it

i was so distraught couple of weeks ago when i had to be sick , on the grass verge on m1 , with all my mates in there cars pulled up behind me

and tonight , my mother in law has called , somethings wrong , poss sick , and i havent gone with brian incase she's being sick i couldnt cope , id be in hysterics

i gave up drinking cos it makes u sick

i also wont allow sicky drunks in my car after a night out , only peeps i know are never sick !

doc said to me it will kill or cure it , well it hasnt , i still get in a state when i feel sick , im nearly 16 weeks and still ill , im now suffering anxiety attacks before trying to leave for work , cos im afraid of being sick at work ( i dont work in an office but basically drive round london)

i wish there was some help :cry: im dreding being a mum and my child sick , im not sure wtf id do , if my mum or dh says they feel sick , i have to leave them and go to different room
I don't think anybody actually likes being sick or feeling sick, but I do sympathise with you because I am exactly the same. It is also a bit of a joke in my family, I go through a full bottle of bleach if I am preparing chicken, I have to wear disposable gloves when handling it etc.

I have had a fear of being sick since I was a child and although I am a bit better about it now it is still a fear. If I know somebody has had a bug or something I avoid them until I know that they are better.

It has gotten a bit better since I had my little boy because as a parent you have to deal with these things. If you want to chat you know where I am, but I do understand how horrible it is :hug:
G3M - I know what you mean about if your child is sick, but as I said I think that helped me a bit especially the being around people who are ill, because as a parent you just want to comfort your child and make them feel better. If it's me who is ill though I still get panic attacks if I think I will be sick.
Well I'm pretty sure I've got this.... I will fight with all my soul not to be sick... And I'm extemely skilled in not doing it...I have a whole range of anti sickness meds too..

As for other people being sick... I have to feel sooo sorry for my daughter... THere have been times where she has been sick and I've avoided her.. If done the minimal amount of work because seeing her throw up, makes me want to do the same, then I get paranoid that I have caught it... But you do just want to comfort them, and she is so good about it...so she must know that mummy has issues..

If anyone in my family (my brother and sister tend to get stomach bugs a lot) I refuse to see them or have them anywhere near my house... I can't be dealing with that... :puke:

Now I feel sick
oh wow
I am not alone...
How can we get over this....yes I have stopped drinking because of the sickness and avoid people who have bugs like the plague.

It is sheer panic, I felt ill last night and luckily was with my mum who soothed me and talked me round.

I hate flying because it makes me sick, I have been off work for 2 weeks granted some of that was a kidney infection but the real reason was fear of being sick at work in front of people.

it is truly awful, I might get some anti-sick meds as i have had them before and they were helpful as is peptobismal -but i cant take that now.

I have not been properly sick with this pregnancy, more just stomach acids but the fear....when i feel it....is awful.

would love to chat guys, is the best way to pm you ?
thanks for responding xx
Hi honey!

I hope you're ok. I can't imagine what it must be like living with that anxiety. I have heard about one or two other people on this forum with the same phobia and I met some on an anxiety forum I am on. I think it is a fairly common phobia, you are not mad :cheer:

If your phobia is significantly affecting how you live your life then you must get some help. Hypnotherapy could be cool (I did it back in Jan for anxiety, was really great!) as could psychotherapy (I know I ALWAYS recommend this, but I am a big fan, it's helped me tremendously :) )

It is worth talking to the doc to see what he can refer you for.

I am thinking of you tomorrow as well honey, I hope everything goes really well :hug: :hug:

thanks michelle
My mam suggested hypnotherapy when she saw me in such a state, full on panic attack. I'd like to give the baby relaxed vibes not panic.

So I just ask my doc about hypnotherapy yeah?

Scan 9am tommorow, OH reckons everthing fine because I have such a noticable bump he he....my mum will tell you I am sure.

She has a candle lit for both of us andvfor Tracey after you told her, I am so gutted for her
hypnotherapy or CBT is worth a try. good luck xx
Ginnymarie said:
thanks michelle
My mam suggested hypnotherapy when she saw me in such a state, full on panic attack. I'd like to give the baby relaxed vibes not panic.

So I just ask my doc about hypnotherapy yeah?

Scan 9am tommorow, OH reckons everthing fine because I have such a noticable bump he he....my mum will tell you I am sure.

She has a candle lit for both of us andvfor Tracey after you told her, I am so gutted for her

aww bless your mother, she is so lovely. She has told me about your bump too :cheer: I just know tomorrow is going to be successful for you.

I am not entirely sure if hypnotherapy is available for all Health Authorities, you would have to ask your doc. I got mine done privately because I needed to see someone very quick, it cost £60. It was entirely worth it though, helped me get back to work after a mini break-down.

Cognative Behaviour Therapy, like Trixi said, is also worth persuing and I know you can definately get that on NHS in most areas. I am sure your doctor will arrange it for you. It focuses on retraining your brain to react differently in situations where you become anxious. It is really effective.

Lots of love and hugs and luck for tomorrow :hug: :hug:
I'm afraid to say - me too :cry:

We were just discussing this tonight in fact...

I am terrible with anyone who is sick, including myself. I get very upset and cry, I can't even bear the thought of other people throwing up. If my sisters' kids are ill I won't go to their house. I am terrified of catching a bug. If I see someone being sick I just retch myself and have to leg it out of the room.

One of my nephews threw up one night when we were there and everyone rallied round helping clear up etc. U just sat there is complete and utter dismay and what was going on and couldn't get out of the house fast enough!

If Matt ever got a bug, I don't know what I would do. I honestly think I would need to move out til he got over it. My friend asked me tonight what I am going to do when my baby throws up? Ermmmmmmmmmm...... :?
and me :(

I can cope with being sick myself but only alone. I have a massive fear of being sick in public. Its all related to panic attacks and anxiety etc.....Ive had therapy for years but it hasnt solved the sicky thing.

Im more histerical about others being sick. I have nightmares about it and get really angry if someone feels ill near me.

Its a really common thing, my Mum hates people being sick so much she wouldnt send the kids to school if someone in their class was ill through fear that the kids would catch something and be sick. I dont see her very often and today she is visiting family where I live but I wont see her as she knows Im feeling green from morning sickness. Im sad about it but I understand how much she hatres it and its not her fault.
I pass out when i see other people being sick. And i know when im going to because i get all shakey and panick. DH thinks its weird because every one throws up but i cant help feeling uneasy about it :cry:
Speaking of this... I cleaned my DD's nose this morning while waiting outside for my dad to pick us up, and she saw the snotty tissue, well she all of a sudden started heaving (don't ask me why she's never done it before :roll:).. and me.. being a loving mummy... Tried to comfort her?

No!.. I turned around and walked a bit away from her, and told her to try and miss the cars if she was sick.. I feel soo bad.. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: She wasn't ill, it was just that one thing. But I just paniked..
well picture this , think it was 12 am this morning , was in resus (spl?) hospital with the mother in law . well she suddenly said she was starting to feel sick again (had been seriously sick last night) , doc got her a bowl and me RAN OUT OF THE CUBICAL , went back into the familly room we'd been sitting in and sat there trembling . how blooming pathetic . even sitting by her bedside all i could think about was , was she gonna be sick again :cry: im crap .
G3M dont worry im the same. My mum had something stuck in her throat and was choking and i didnt help because she was making sick noise :shock: Its awful but when your scared of something like that its just what happens!! :cry: she was fine in the end but i felt awful!

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