Retching but not being sick? :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
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this sounds gross but i keep retching (dont know if thats how its spelt) it feels like im going to be sick but not actually sick, is this normal? i can't stop myself from doing it and sometimes its rather embarassing just happens all of a sudden sometimes when im out or at work (usually when theres a smelly customer in the shop lol) and i have to run off , it really hurts my stomach sometimes and i worry if its harming the baby? am i just weird or does anyone else experience this? it happens 2-3 times a day and i don't know how to stop it/prevent it xxx
i dont think it's harmful hun but if ur worried speak to your midwife, i know the feeling about suddenly feeling like your going to throw up but then don't just make sure you drink lots of fluid and try not to worry (not the easiest thing in the the world i know) hope u feel better soon xxxx
I keep getting this when brushing my teeth, even before the toothbrush is in there lol. It does hurt, a warm bath should help when it's really bad xxxxxxxxx
I have this. I have to keep a drink handy at all times. After retching I get a full on watery mouth like you get when you are sick and my eyes water. It's really grim.

I still get it occasionally now too :(
thanks ladies, will start carrying round a bottle of water when im out and see if that helps, i get the watery eyes too, not a good look along with the bright red face when it happens :) i don't feel ill, it just happens randomly xxx
I had this too it worse than actually being sick I think. Have even tried to make myself sick on occasions but it didn't work (think cos I'm a bit of a wimp.) lol. Its starting to wear off now.
Hope you don't mind me jumping into tri 1 here but just thought I would try to reassure you a bit.

I had very bad retching up until about 14 weeks. It was happening all day, every day and I only ever actually threw up twice. I had to take a bag with me everywhere as I would start doing it in shops or on the street and I never knew if I would actually be sick.

If you are worried, just have a chat to your mw.
thanks your really helpful, im glad its not just me, will chat to my mw when i see her xxx
I wretched all morning, every morning from 7wks until 16wks when I was pregnant! I was never actually sick at all but as soon as I got out of bed I started and I didn't stop until i'd eaten breakfast! Strong smells used to set me off too especially bacon & parsnips?! I wouldn't worry too much, my Jack is a healthy happy baby boy! :) x
Thanks everyone its made me feel so much better, was so worried about bubs incase he/she felt it or anything xx
i still do this now, happened at asda today lol, its normal hun. i found sugary drinks and fruit helped a bit

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