Emetophobia / fear of being sick for squiggle

I have read on the internet in can go back from a bad experience of being sick before you could talk/walk, remember anything and somehow is deep in our unconscious.

My mum used to have gallstones and be sick when she was young alot and was always making the most terrible retching noises, i think it may be linked. When my OH is sick and he is with drink now and again, i keep asking 'are you going to' are you going to over and over again and I am worried all day that he will. When my mother in law got a severe gastric flu bug from hospital she sat there green all day. I was obsessed would not go near her, walked around with wipes, she was sick all night and OH went down and actually the bug as not as bad as the worryin about getting it....

still truly horrible....im going to try the hypnotherapy and will let you know if it works
Hi squiggle

i did not know how to copy and paste the whole thread but I wanted you to know you were not alone. There are so many other girls feeling the same. I have actually been sick now and it wasn't as bad as i thought.
pm me if you need support hunx[/i]
Aww, thank you Gemma for taking the time to show me this thread. That was so kind of you.

I'm glad I'm not alone, and I feel deeply sorry for anyone that suffers with this awful phobia. If anyone wants a chat, please feel free to pm me.
Maybe therepy is an option, but it even worries me that I will have to be put in a situation where I have to face my fears (silly, I know).

Sickness it the only thing that really terrifies me about being pregnant. I'd even be ok about the birth if I hadn't read / heard that people have thrown up during that as well!

Thank you so much Gemma, and hugs to all that are suffering :hug: :hug: :hug:

i am scared of being sick during birth as well so maybe will opt out of gas and air or pethedine and stick with epidural for pain relief...
When i was sick last week it wasn't as bad as i imagined and i was alone and still coped, we can get over it...but it is very hard
pm me if you ever want to chat xx
I love the fact that im not alone with this, I've had it for a long time now and its so bad that I think about it the min I wake up untill the min I go to bed, I have panic attacks & I'd honestly rather be on my death bed than be sick!! Im so scared because I know that i'm going to be sick again one day and that day could be tomorrow or the day after. I'm not trying to burst your bubble but i've had two, 2hr sessions of hypnotherapy and it hasnt worked at all, Im having councelling at the moment but thats not really helping either, personally I think its never going to go, the only way you can get over a fear is to confront it & thats something I dont want to do!!
Im not as bad as you but i do tend to avoid putting my head down the toilet unless i REALLY have to.
I do tend to wash my hands with antibacterial more than ususal as well.

( i have lupus)

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