Ok mines long but it's worth it
We went to my nan's brothers funeral, my "Uncle Jack" There were a load of people outside the crematorium, and we were all waiting for the doors to open so we could go it. Loads of realtives we hadn't seen for ages all crammed into a small space.
Anyway, the doors opens, and my mom grabs my arm and pushes me through the door, all through the crowd and steers us to the front of the room, where we sit down in the front row.
I look around for my nan and I can't see her. The doors close and I'm still sitting there looking aorund, I look for my uncle, he's not there either, neither is my nan's sister.......
We are in the WRONG funeral. I tell this to my mom and go to stand up, but she's not having any of it, she'll be too embarrased to stand up and leave so she grabs my wrist and tells me "we're staying"
I'm mortified! the priest gets up and tells us that we are gathered here to remember Bill....but I'm not! I'm here to remember Jack! We start to snigger and by the time "the Lord Is My Shepherd" comes round we are in absolute hysterics, crying into the hymn books we're using to hide our faces.
Afterwards we would realise that Bill's widow would have wondered who the hell these two women were crying their eyes out in the front row!
When the service finished we had to leave through the exit door at the side, then walk straight around the front and back in the front doors for the right funeral.