

Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
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My little one is 12 weeks and what i think is eczema had suddenly appeared all the way down both legs. It's not particularly red or sore but rough to touch.
We've been using coconut oil during the day and sudacrem at night and although it doesn't seem to be getting any worse, it's not getting any better and seems to be spreading.
Any advice? Me and hubby have never had it but mother in law has chronic asthma so I guess that's where it's come from :-(
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Hi - my partner and I both have eczema and sure enough, our daughter has started with the rough skin on legs too around 10wks... I think what caused it with her was that I got a different brand of coconut oil for her massage and it turned out to have vanilla scent added! So have got rid and found the original brand again. You have to be do careful with unnecessary added scent and colouring with eczema!
To clear up her skin, I bought an aqueous cream from the pharmacy - you can get it on prescription, but I couldn't be bothered waiting for an appointment heheh
I believe the Aveeno cream is fine for babies too :)
my lo has it and while lots of people recommended coconut oil it really did help her. it doesn't help my oh's eczema either. we use dermal which we got from the Dr and we also use Childs Farm bubble bath as it's eczema friendly
I have the pure raw coconut oil so can't be additives! Will try some aqueous cream, thanks!
I'm a bf peer supporter and it seems that one of the main causes for baby eczema is dairy. Is your lo breastfed or bottle fed?x
Hi my 2 year old has eczema and it started when he was a few weeks old. Cut out all scented bath products specially johnsons. The simple range is very good. Switch your washing powders to a sensitive one and just keep moisturising. We use aveeno and hydramol cream both of which you can get on prescription. Hopefully it will be a mild form and she will grow out of it. .
It's a good point about washing powders - I've used eczema friendly ones for years and don't really think about it! I use the surcare range or simply washing tablets ;-)
Baby is exclusively breastfed and I eat very little dairy. I've actually been vegan for 3 years but during pregnancy and up until last week I have been eating bits of cheese (no more than once per week) just to feed my cravings and satisfy my hunger. I don't have any other dairy in my diet and don't eat eggs which I also know is a trigger.
As soon as the eczema appeared I stopped eating my weekly dose of cheese just as an extra precaution but it seems to have worsened since then so I'm sure that can't be it?
I also don't use any bath products, only use simple baby wipes and coconut oil. I use baby shampoo but it's a natural vegan friendly one so no nasty additives. I also wash his hair last so he's not sat in bubbles for too long! I thought I was doing everything right but feel really sad that this has happened. His legs look all red and scabby, it looks particularly worse today :-( he doesn't seem to be bothered by it and isn't trying to scratch or anything.
I bought aqueous cream today so hopefully that will help!
Aww... poor lad. Hope the cream works! If the skin's starting to break or bleed, would be worth consulting a doc - might need a temporary spell of hydrocortisone or something to sort it out, although I don't know if they prescribe that for babies. I know I had to be careful using it in pregnancy! X
Eczema is an auto immune disorder, vaccines are the most common cause. Dairy only exacerbates it, it doesn't cause it.
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My DS1 had quite bad eczema, like you I tried everything. The only thing that worked was hydrocortisone on prescription from the dr, I was reluctant to use it but it was all the cleared it up, I could then keep it at bay with dream cream from lush and bria stuff I bought online. It pretty much all cleared by the time he was 1. x

Poor little thing. Sounds like you've tried everything and you're doing everything right. Maybe see your gp to see if they can suggest anything? They may be able to do some allergy testing if it's quite bad. I hope you find something that works.x
I get bad dry skin on my hands and Dream Cream from Lush is the only cream I can tolerate and not make it worse/more sore.

Coconut oil is good too.
Thanks guys. Luckily it's not cracked or bleeding or anything that bad, I just hate that there's so much of it!

Phoenix85 - when you say vaccines are a cause, am I misunderstanding or so you mean actual baby vaccinations? Cos he's had his first two lots and to be honest it's only appeared since then...
Hi my lg had that spring up about 12 weeks, only thing I've found that works is aveeno baby eczema therapy cream, wonderful stuff but only available on Amazon and not cheap.
Aveeno bath oil we use for.our son. We get in on prescription now from the gp but it can be bought from boots etc. It's fab and works wonders for him
My daughter suffers with severe eczema. Hers is worse when in contact with dairy so we've been dairy free for 6 months now. But even without dairy she still suffers on the arms and legs. Weve found aveeno to be the best for her ( weve tried so many different ones) and epaderm for when its really dry as its greasier. We also use eumovate steroid during flare ups. I foubd the biggest change for us was when we got dermol 600 bath. Its and antimicrobacterial and stops her scratching. Its trial and error with creams though as what will work for one doesn't always work for another. Xxx

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