Early scan showed i was a week and a half less?!


May 5, 2010
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hi all,

im looking for a bit of advice, i had an early scan yesterday at what i thought was 6 weeks 4 days (from lmp) however the baby showed to only be a little over 5 weeks? i could see the heartbeat, sac etc but smaller than expected? could it be that i conceived later in my cycle? doctor wants to see me again in a weeks time, they said "its just a case of waiting to see" but im really worried about this! any thoughts would be appreciated! thanks!
Hi hon, I don't think it's always very accurate before the 12 week scan but I could be wrong x they put me back by 5 days and that's the dates they'll now go for x I suppose you could of concieved later in the cycle x
i wouldnt worry like you i have a early scan and thought i was further along at the first scan i was 5 weeks and then when i went a week later like your doing it had grown by 2 weeks in 1 week to 7 weeks
yeah im hoping its just a dating error!! i have a wee boy at 20 months and had no problems so fingers crossed this one goes the same way! the waiting is the hardest! hope everything is good with you! thanks xx
Hi hun, I had early scan today n had exactly the same thing. I'm 9+5, but they said I am 8 exactly. There's absolutely no way that I'm a 1+5 out, hubby and I were ill that month, so after the night baby was concieved (which I found out later was my most fertile day) we didn't have sex again until after I'd found out I was pg!!!!! So, if they had dated me at further on than I thought, I would have understood but it's just impossible for me to be 1+5 less, unless hubby's sperm swam out and over the bed to get to me! LOL! I wouldn't worry too much, the midwife I saw after early scan said to me that the dates will probably change again after 12 week scan. It's worrying though isn't it. My main concern was that they only induce 10 days after due date, so if my due date is 12 days out, that would be 22 days over!!!!!! But like I say, try not to worry - the 12 week is the one that counts for dates! If baby has got a nice lil heartbeat, that's the main thing :) xxxx PS - sorry that was SO rambling!!
thank you, that's made me feel a lot better! hopefully by next week the development will be further on! its constant worry from the minute we find out!! hope all is good with you! xxx
thanks! its so strange how they can get the dates so far out! like you i had worked out my fertile days, ovulation etc so at the most im a couple of days out but not a week and a half! im hoping that next weeks scan will show growth and i can start to chill out a bit! glad everything went well with your scan today! its worry worry worry!! lol!!! xxx
should think its fine but at that early i didn't realise you could see a heartbeat i thought you had to be 6+ weeks plus so maybe it is a dating error
Yeah i was sure too that the babys heart didnt start beating till week 6. Maybe a dating error. I once had a foreign doc and he always put me 2 weeks behind because the country he had trained in didnt date from lmp but from lmp + 2 weeks so closer to actual conception if that makes sense! He eventually explained what he was doing but i was confused too! Sure all will be fine. I'm sure someone on here said in a post that if you have seen babys HB you have a 98% chance of carrying that baby to term. Dont hold me to that figure for definate but seeing th HB is definately a good sign xxx
Glad baby is happy and well from your scan, and you get to baby again next week - yayyyyyyyy

Try not to worry about the dates, any measurement errors will be larger due to the smaller size of the baby they are measuring due to its age if that makes sense, as it gets bigger , it will be less likely that human error is in play and even if it is, the measurements will be less out due to bigger size of baby.
thanks, i thought that too that the heartbeat couldnt be seen until at least 5 and half weeks? im just hoping that i will see a difference next tues! otherwise i feel great, no cramping or spotting, just tired here and there! keeping my fingers and toes crossed for next week!! xxxx
hey Laura, do you have your measurments for CRL length and gestational sac? I went for scan at 6 weeks 2 days and crl was only 2.2mm which is tiny should be more like 4mm so I have to go back next week for dating scan and viability.

I had this too at my first early scan there was a little bean and a flicker of a heartbeat and had to wait 2 weeks to see if all was ok. Sounds like all going well so far, id wait until your 12 week scan for a definate dating x

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