Early Scan at 6 + 3 weeks


New Member
Sep 27, 2011
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Im getting an early scan on friday due to miscarriage in june and i also have type 1 diabetes.

It will be 6 weeks + 3 day exactly since lmp, i was on a 31 day cycle.

Is it possible i will get a heartbeat this early?

Anyone else been in this position and got a heartbeat?

Thanks in advance
I had a heartbeat on scan exactly 6 weeks and my pic was this.....

The heartbeat was a flicker the whole blob was going! Amazing after 3 mcs
Good luck!

yes it is but its also possible not to see anything, i had a scan at exactly the same time due to bleeding, all they could see was a sac, no baby or yolk sac now here i am 37 weeks gone lol
hi hun, welcome to tri 1, I had an early scan and they dated me 5 weeks 5 days and i saw a heartbeat then at my 12 week scan they put me forward a week so i would have been 6 weeks 5 days at the earlier scan, everyone is different so don't panic if you don't see a heartbeat some people don't see a heartbeat and go back a week later to see it flickering away :) xxx
Hi hun, i had a scan at 5 week, just saw sack & yolk. Had one 5 days later and saw baby and hb. Like other have said everyone different though so dont be too dissapointed if u dont get to see baby. Good luck xx
I had my first scan at 6+3 and the heartbeat was there :) took a while to find but sure enough it was there thumping away x
had my early scan yesterday.

It was 6 weeks 3 days since Lmp. Im on a 31 day cycle so only think i ovulated about 4 weeks ago.

There was a gestational sac measuring 8w 2d (bigger than i expected), but no fetus seen..

A vaginal scan was also carried out aswell as abdominal.

I am having no bleeding etc at this stage and have to go to early pregnancy clinic on monday for further tests.

has anyone else been in this position and all was ok or do i accept another miscarriage this year.

Am absolutely devastated right now just dont know what to feel or think.

Hoping for a miracle that scan was just too early to pick up
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I'm sorry hun i don't have any experience of this, just wanted to wish you all the best, let us know how you get on, thinking of you x
Hi lovely!

I had just one yesterday! 6+3 weeks, and yes, there was a visible flickering heartbeat which was noted on my report!

Hope the scan goes well for you!!!! Fingers crossed!!!! xxxx

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