E. Coli


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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hi everyone hopes bumps are ok xx

i hearing this over the news and it was said today woman have had it more, i always get nervous when things like this coming round same when swine flu was happening. anyone got any more information to keep my mind at rest xxxx
I was listening about it on the radio before, they recommend washing all salad well, and peeling and cooking veggies. It's scary isn't it? x
From what I've heard it's only in cucumbers being shipped over from Spain... Best way to avoid it.... Don't eat cucumber until it's cleared up? x
They were saying on the news though that there's not enough evidence to prove that it was those cucumbers and now spain are looking for compensation because of those allegations, so I don't know if they are sure as to where it's coming from x
makes me feel like i dont wanna have any veg now i reli like cucumber to i have been having it from subway x
thinking about it, I had some today :shock:
I think that the main worry for the UK is the pepole that already have it, who caught it mostly from Germany x
i love fruit and veg at min to :( i wish they just knew what was causing it, if a human gets it can someone catch it from them like a stomach bug? x
Over here (In Italy) they are advising you to wash all veg thouroughly and peel everything properly.
My dr told me to use this stuff (can't think what the British equivalent would be, Milton??) to soak fruit and veg in (then you rinse it thoroughly) before eating to avoid toxoplasmosis which can be caught from the soil on fruit and veg. At the time I thought he was being over the top and it was a right faff washing everything first but now I'm really relieved I did.
with only 3 people over in uk have it all been to germany do u think its actually over here? i looked on bbc website and it says where the outbrakes are how many people have it and how many have died xx
I think all the people in uk had been to Germany. It can be caught if someone with it goes to toilet and doesn't wash their hands then prepares your food. It is scary, I'm going to make sure I really scrub my salads now, been eating it every day for lunch! Best to stick to British veggies too!
I think the majority of people have been to Germany so you're very unlikely to get it but food is exported so many times before it reaches the supermarket it's difficult to tell its real origin.
I've been reading about this too. My nans been back in hospital for 3weeks tomorrow, she only came home 4weeks ago after a 4week stay. Anyway she has picked up ecoli, norovirus again (she had this last time she was in) and a water infection since going back in.

She had it before we started to hear about this on the news but she's been put into isolation now to keep it under control. They said it's not the serious kind and are even talking about her coming home next week but it's really worried me that she's picked it up at the hospital I'm gonna be giving birth at soon. Haven't been to see her since she's been in this time coz I picked up norovirus off her at about 27 weeks pregnant. It's really scary. Makes u nervous to go into hospital to give birth xxxx
This is a quite form the BBC website:

"Three British nationals in the UK have been infected with E. coli linked to the outbreak in Germany, according to the Health Protection Agency.
It brings the total number of cases in the UK to seven. The other four are from Germany.

It is believed that all patients caught the infection in Germany and brought it back to the UK."
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