Swine Flu vaccinations - More articles added :)

Well I went to the nurse this morning to get Hebe's 12 month vaccinations. While I was there i quized her about the SF vax program. She said they are targeting the first group which is people with underlying health issues such as asthma etc. Then it will be people living with people with compromised immune systems - ie those caring for relatives with cancer and such. Then pregnant women.

They are giving Pandamrix to everyone. Celvapan isnt going to be given unless they get authorisation from on high. I get the impression it's because it's in short supply and there is a cost implication.....crap.

So I thought that my family would fall in to the category of those living with someone with a compromised immune system but that's not the case.

So that's my mind pretty much made up.
Lisa, someone posted on BnB a while ago saying that if you're pregnant and want the Celvapan one, then you can usually phone your local Primary Care Trust and request it, they'll ask you why and you give them your reasons and then they arrange for you to get it. I'm not sure how true it is but might be worth a go? xx
I got the letter inviting me last week- booked it for Tuesday but cancelled on Monday- just so unsure!?
If they ever get around to inviting me I will ask them to request the Celvapan one. If they turn me down then job sorted and if I can have it I'll feel better about it than I would about the Pandamrix :)
i hate how the cost element comes into everything! my dad's diabetic and they wont give him slow release tablets cos they'r more expensive, even tho the side effects of the other tablets give him stomach cramps, which causes havoc with his stomach condtion!
Got my letter a week ago and made the appointment for wednesday but mum keeps telling me to cancel it and do without...
can't decide!
Did they tell you if they have both vaccines available?
Did they tell you if they have both vaccines available?

My mum made the appointment for me while i was at work, so not sure what they said on the phone. But the letter only really said the basics about what day and so on.
I had the swine flu vaccination last week, had no side effects apart from my arm being a bit red and sore around where i was injected, felt a bit like i had been punched in the arm, bu ti felt quite bad getting it and my son not getting it (hes just turned 3) but the nurse said eventually everyone would get it
ARGH, I have my letter inviting me for it now. Only saw it tonight though because it went to my mums, gonna ring them tomorrow I think and ask which one it is. xx
The nurse who was giving Heebs her jab last week said they have only got Pandamrix available at the surgery.
I think my surgery will be the same. I'm going to read those articles you posted now and see what I think. I really just don't know which way to go at the minute. I think it's quite important for me to take into account how sick I'm being, I think it puts me at an extra disadvantage because I'm already pretty weak and run down so if I did get swine flu it could be really bad, but at the same time it means I'm less likely to pick it up as I'm not out much. But I could get it from OH or my mum or sister or whatever.

It's so hard to decide! xx
I must admit that until I know I'd taken a bit of an ostrich...head in the sand...approach. But now I've been invited for it I need to do some research, and quickly! xx
Well I jut got the call.....would you like to come for a swine flu vaccination....I said it depends on which one you're offering and they said they only have Pandemrix at the moment......so I declined but told them if they get Celvapan I'd like to be contacted......so there it is.....done.....:eh:

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