due january 2014 :) buddies wanted!

Hi everyone, I'm due around 19th jan but could be earlier, had my GP appointment last week and blood pressure was high which is really strange for me as I'm usually low if anything! Got my midwife appointment on Tuesday so looking forward to that. I've read a few people saying they are getting early assessment scans - is that something they offer you or is it something you pay for? X
You get the early scans for several reasons. To check dates if your really unsure. Mainly if your at risk like checking its not ectopic if your bleeding or in pain that kind of thing. I had mine as my progesterone levels are to low and I'm high risk to miscarry x
You get the early scans for several reasons. To check dates if your really unsure. Mainly if your at risk like checking its not ectopic if your bleeding or in pain that kind of thing. I had mine as my progesterone levels are to low and I'm high risk to miscarry x

I see, thank you - I had a little scare on Friday when I had some brown cm, spoke to the doctor so they know and have also had some health problems so it might be something they offer me - I suppose I'll see on Tuesday! X
Hi everyone, i feel so guilty saying this as this baby means the world to me and OH and understand the processof whatd going on inside but i didnt realise how bad i was gonna feel we are planning four kids but have no idea how im gonna get through this one sane never mind three more lol. I feel awful all the time atm its takibg away all the excitement i should be feeling :( x
Hi everyone, i feel so guilty saying this as this baby means the world to me and OH and understand the processof whatd going on inside but i didnt realise how bad i was gonna feel we are planning four kids but have no idea how im gonna get through this one sane never mind three more lol. I feel awful all the time atm its takibg away all the excitement i should be feeling :( x

The day you hold that tiny baby in your arms for te first time you will forget how crappy pregnancy really is and would do it all again in a heartbeat x
I'm due in jan, due to erratic cycles not exactly sure when (some time between 16th and 25th)
Hi everyone, i feel so guilty saying this as this baby means the world to me and OH and understand the processof whatd going on inside but i didnt realise how bad i was gonna feel we are planning four kids but have no idea how im gonna get through this one sane never mind three more lol. I feel awful all the time atm its takibg away all the excitement i should be feeling :( x

The day you hold that tiny baby in your arms for te first time you will forget how crappy pregnancy really is and would do it all again in a heartbeat x

Hiya hun i feel loads better now my sickness isnt as bad and not in constant agony with my tum feel awful for that post now i had my Oh comvinced we were sticking at one but feel bit more rational now ha think me hormones were alot to blame too.

On a seperate thing i was at george in asda yesterday mines one of the superstore 24 hour ones and asked about maternity wear cos of having bad bloat thought i could try some jeans on and see if that helped and wouldnt have broke the bank lolol but they didnt have maternity section i was really surprised at that.

Suppose it stopped me from feeling silly about buying maternity pants at only 6 weeks 5 dayd haha even though bloat makes me look five month ha.
Hi everyone, I'm due around 19th jan but could be earlier, had my GP appointment last week and blood pressure was high which is really strange for me as I'm usually low if anything! Got my midwife appointment on Tuesday so looking forward to that. I've read a few people saying they are getting early assessment scans - is that something they offer you or is it something you pay for? X

Hi Clareybell,

I'd due 18th. Had a gp appointment last week and also had high blood pressure. Doc told me to cut as much salt out of my food as possible, no crisps, nuts, ready meals, marmite (I LOVE marmite), don't add salt to food when cooking etc. I don't really eat that much salt so not sure if that will make a difference. But could be worth you giving it a go. My midwife apt isn't til 8th June. Wish I had one sooner. Would also like an early scan but mine has been booked in for 8th July when I'll be around 13 weeks. I'd like one earlier but I think you have to pay for one. Let me know what your midwife says and if you manage to get an early scan. Good luck x
Lots of Jan babies. :)
Def no reason for Jan blues :) xx
Due somewhere around 11th-14th Jan :) Feel crap with morning sickness (all day all night sickness!!). Waiting for the glowing period to kick in but that won't be for a while yet I think!
I'm due January 31st. Next appointment in 5th July and lots of people talk of being put forward etc so we'll see

Hi everyone, and welcome new peeps :)

Sorry ive not posted awhile blame baby brain as i completely forgot about this site nevermind the thread doh! We are 9 weeks 6 days today, had first scan at 8 weeks 2 days so new EDD 18th jan! Got another scan on the 3rd july cant wait! Was great seeing a heartbeat at the scan and getting confirmation all was okay and it wasnt al in our heads haha! Didnt much look like a baby though lol. As for my symptoms my sickness isnt all te time now thank god but boobs are killing and have grown alot and still shattered. Hows everyone doing? X
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10 weeks 1day today, scan is on Tuesday, so I think my EDD might change by a day or two- ill be extremely surprised if its any more than that!
My sickness is also fading, I haven't vomited in two days but my nausea is still here and I'm still very much exhausted!
Peeing more often too lol!
How's everyone else? Xo

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