Due Date, how to cope :(


Jan 8, 2018
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Hi all

My due date should have been 26th May and it is fast approaching.
Im finding myself feeling really really low again and am struggling to cope, i dont know how im going to get through it.
Me & my husband have been TTC since Oct 2016, took us a year to conceive then had a MMC, found out at 12 week scan, we were absolutely devestated.
Everyone (inc doctors) said it would be easier to conceive this time & it wouldnt take us as long, yet here we are nearly 6 months later and no luck. The only thing that would of helped me to get through this was if i was pregnant again but theres no chance now, i dont know what to do.
Everyone keeps telling me i need to stop thinking about it but i just cant :( Nobody even seems to remember that next month would have been my due date, its like my baby never existed. It makes it even worse that my sister in law is due at the exact same time, i just cant deal with it all.

Im sorry to rant, just needed to get it out to people who understand xx
So sorry to hear about your MC, I had my first MC nearly 4 weeks ago at 6 weeks.
To be blunt, screw what other people saying about not thinking about it, THINK about it, grieve again if you need to, lay in bed and cry, cuddle your OH. Do what YOU need to do. :hugs:
My due date would have been November 10th, so I personally will be taking a day to remember, to do my own thing, because in the end you were pregnant, you had a tiny person growing inside you and even though it was not to be this time, doesn't mean it didn't mean anything to you. Your baby did exist, you and your OH know that, and that's what counts xxx

Just a couple of months ago I was feeling exactly the same and could have easily wrote this exact post myself!!
Now March has been and gone and my was due date will soon be 2 months ago!! time really goes fast!!

I'm not totally sure what to say as I still struggle a lot some days but I will try..

I'm finding out that time really is the best healer. Even though I'll never stop thinking about our loss.. now that the date has been and gone I'm starting to feel a bit better each day. I have wayyyy more good days than bad ones now. I'm just trying to enjoy life with hubby and our kitty.

Writing down any thoughts/feelings somewhere if you need to rant can help a lot. It's better than keeping it bottled up.

Staying off all pregnancy forums for a little bit also helped me too, especially just after my due date as I wasn't coping well and the last thing I wanted to read or see was anyone getting their bfp or anyone from the March mummies posting.

and I agree with Phillipa, ignore what anyone says about telling you to stop thinking about it. Do what you need to do xx
Thankyou all for your messages, im sorry for your losses too its bloody rubbish isnt it :(

I agree, maybe some time off forums would help, feel like i have been obsessed with it a bit this month!

Its just so hard, hoping every month & thinking how things should have been.

Thank you so much for your replies, it helps me to let it out to people who understand xxx
With my first mc, i had a familty member due on the exact same day. So i get how you feel. Do whatever you need to.
I cant even remember the other due dates beacuse was so many sounds harah but you just dont realise. Hope your able to grieve ane in time heal. Sending hugs x
So sorry for your loss.

I agree with the others, take time off the forums if you need to (or not if you find coming on helps) and you don't have to forget about it and not think about it. Take time to grieve again, you've had a loss and you can deal with that loss however you feel is best for you.

Sending all my thoughts your way

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