Why my due date


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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I met another pregnant friend today. This girl didnt know I was pg.
She was showing me her scan pictures and she is due on what would have been my due date :(
I known its daft to say whay that date but I was just starting to feel a bit better and now im back feeling teary again.
Bugger :(
Poor you :(

I know exactly how you must've felt. My Dad put my aunt on the phone to me a few weeks ago. I haven't spoken to her in about a year. She asked me if I was big... I didn't know what to say, I don't mind talking about it but it was so sudden. I said no, she said 'oh, you're quite small then?' i wibbled something and threw the phone at my dad and boooed :(

Have a hug, 'cause nothing I'll say will make it better! :hug:
thanks, i know what you mean about not knowing what to say. I can easily phone people up and talk about it then but if i bump into someone then its the surprise that hits me and then I start to feel teary.
lauramumof2 said:
thanks, i know what you mean about not knowing what to say. I can easily phone people up and talk about it then but if i bump into someone then its the surprise that hits me and then I start to feel teary.

I know exactly what you mean hun. Someone in my Tai Chi group is pregnant and due the week before I was, she doesn't know I was pregnant at all but it's very hard when I see her and I feel bad that it is but I just think it's natural to suddenly be reminded and upset :(

:hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

sending hugs thinking of you and here if you need me xxxxx
:hug: My midwife has given me the same due date as my friend had, she lost at around 7 weeks and i dont think she's over it yet) but i've told OH i dont want that one, it's hers and i want to stick to the one my LMP gives me, it's hard enough every time a see her and i know shes happy for me but i feel like i'm rubbing it in :wall:
I cant imagine how it must feel

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