due date buddy

Hiya im due on the 5th of April... I have a few txt buddies

Do u need to know who we are paired up with???
Due 8th march and pretty sure MummyJess is due the same day (not seen her for a few days though) I have KirstyD, xdjx, and sugarhigh as text buddies I think we all have each other and are all due the first few weeks of march I think
I need at text buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will probably have Kayzee, she did it last time for me! Even though she is like, 7 weeks ahead of me lol.

Daiseebee, we could be buds, your only due 3 days before me??? Let me know! :cheer:
well i was thinking of people that are due on or around the same days could be due date buddies where you keep in touch and mabe text buddies and it'd be great to see who drops first etc lol

Would love to be text buddies! Oooh I am so excited now!!!!!
Thankyou for adding me to the list but you have put me under April not March. x
DaisieBee said:

Would love to be text buddies! Oooh I am so excited now!!!!!

Cool cool cool!!!! PM me with your mobby no!!!!! Mwah! :hug:
I'm due 4th of March and have Mik and xjdx as my text buddies
nikkix said:
Im due 23rd feb, I already have firstangel as a text buddy but another one would be nice incase she cant get on the forum! :D

Yeh me too, Im not on the forum as much these days, but maybe more when I start my may leave.

Im 23rd of feb too xx
Charlotte_faeriemad said:
ooh I'm due 20th April :cheer:

Never heard of a due date buddy but sounds fun!

ooh I'm due day after you so 21st April for me please xx
Hi girls,

April 18th for me!!

Julie xxxx

Emma Mary 18 wk miscarriage Always Missed

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