Dropping platelet count and cesarean in 4 days!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2014
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I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I am 37+2 with twins and due for an elective cesarean section in 4 days but my blood test results indicate that my platelets are lowered so they're calling me in for another blood test the day before surgery. They said there may be complications with giving me an epidural if the numbers keep dropping and may need to order more platelets from another hospital. A day before surgery??? Shoudn't they already have them just incase???

Now, there is no way in hell I'm consenting to a general anesthesia. I would rather try for a vbac even though I''ve had 2 previous cesareans!

I've never had this problem before and don't know much about it although I'm starting to read medical literature that reveals that clotting may be difficult. Considering that the cesarean is elective and the odds of post partum hemhorrage are increased with a twin delivery, you'd think that everything was in place and I wouldn't have to worry about this as platelets would be available!!

Perhaps the hospital already has the platlets and they just want to check to see if I'll be requiring them. I'm already nervous about the impending surgery and don't know what to expect. Anyone have any knowledge or experience? Any imput would be appreciated.
Nothing but good luck wishes, I'm afraid.

Hopefully there'll be someone along soon who can offer advice xx
Same as above. I have no advice but wanted to wish you a happy healthy delivery x
My sections are always shunting down the queue to get my correct blood with antibodies in from other hosps so try not to worry, they don't seem to stock things for long its always very fresh.

Good luck for birth xx
Thanks ladies.. I had my section on Tuesday and everything went well. Last day for babies and me at the hospital.

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