Down day :-(


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Well today I feel like shit!! It was a week ago that I was beyond happy I tested and got my bfp after a year of TTC, but started bleeding heavily and miscarried at 6 weeks I'm so gutted, and can't reall get posotive about TTC again :( xxx
Sorry to hear that, Elen. I went through a MC at 11+4 in June and I felt like completely giving up, I also had a very very very tough journey to get my little girl here safely. I just decided I wasn't that good at the whole TTC/having babies thing. But you know what? I don't want to look back on my life and wonder why the hell I didn't try and do all I could to make it happen! So I know it's tough but you have to be tougher and keep trying. I got my BFP a month ago and of course I'm extremely nervous, but I'm doing everything right, I'm doing everything I can to keep the little one healthy but I know that ultimately I can't control it. I had a couple of months where I didn't think about TTC at all and enjoyed things I definitely couldn't have while I'd been pregnant (lots of wine and soft cheese YUM!) and I felt ready again.

Don't feel down - take control. I ordered every single fertility aid going and went for it! Sending you hugs, it is a hard process and unfortunately not everyone is one of those people who gets pregnant, sails through pregnancy and birth wi no issues. Some of us have to fight for it but I think ultimately we realise more than anyone what an amazing blessing it is.

I hope I've helped somehow? Xxxxxx
Sorry for your loss honey and thst you feel like this. Its still very raw and early take time to grieve (cause thats what it is). You will get better and get your ttc spirit back! Xxx
Thanx girlies I know I should pull myself together and get on with it, and I will promise lol :) xx
I know how hard it is to lose a baby after ttcing for a long time :hugs: I got my bfp after sixteen cycles and its all over. Heartbreaking.
I know it's realy hard to be positive and after a lil while u will get that positivity back honestly u will, after my mmc in may which was my second one in a yr I was utterly devastated I seen the hb at 7 weeks then at 10 weeks nothing my world was turned upside down again and it took me a gd 6 weeks to start to be positive and I took control back and started to use opks again and with that control came my positivity again and after3 cycles I got my bfp again last week but that was short lived I mc at 4 plus 4 very early this time but still I was very upset beeing so happy to so sad in minutes it's horrible but here I am again less than a week later by ttc again :) I've to see my doctor about why I keep mcing after I've had healthy pregnancies but till then I will continue ttc, just wanted to say it does get easier and ur day will come again and hopefully soon xxxx
Elen, please don't feel that you should pull yourself together and just get on with it. You have just lost your baby and you need to give yourself time to grieve rather than beating yourself up about feeling upset.

I found out on 5th September that we had lost our baby and within a couple of days, I was trying to convince myself that I was OK and that it wasn't such a major thing. I was scared of turning into a bitter woman who can't be happy for anyone else who has babies, and scared that my husband and I would push each other away because of our upset, and ultimately split up. Because of these fears, I was trying to pretend that losing my baby wasn't of great significance and was trying to think positively and look forward without actually dealing with what had happened. It took my friend to tell me off for giving myself such a hard time, to make me realise that it's OK to feel absolutely gutted, and that I need to give myself time rather than trying to force myself to 'get over it' in a few days. I don't think you can begin to feel positive about the future until you have given yourself some time to grieve and come to terms with your loss.

I had an ERPC on 21st September, and then had an infection after but I am now fine physically. Having the ERPC and it all being over physically has helped me to cope emotionally. I think it's impossible to even begin to sort your emotions out whilst you are still going through/getting over the physical aspect of it. 2.5 weeks after the ERPC and I am now doing OK emotionally - I just have to take each day at a time - looking forward just upsets me because I can't help but picture myself being pregnant at things such as Bonfire Night, Xmas or New Year and of then ultimately having our baby in April. For now, I just try to look at the present, each day at a time, rather than looking forward or back.

Don't worry about not feeling positive about TTC - it's hard, if not impossible, to think positive about anything so soon after such a huge loss.

Take care of yourself

Thank u ladies, I guess I was lucky because it happened when I was only 5 weeks gone which means I had a 'really heavy period' and now hopefully im back to a regular cycle. I've bought opk and starting 2 become posotive. I guess what's bothering me is it took me 1year to get m bfp I'm scared it'll take that long again :( and also when I do get my bfp that I won't be able to relax and the same thing will hapen :( xxx
I know how u feel like its like 2 steps forward and 50 back :-/ the thought of months of ttc again realy makes me feel down but by feeling this way it's just making it worse or this is the conclusion I've come to I have to think positive although each af that comes I have a few shit days but I soon bounce back and ur day will come again and hopefully sooner rather than later xx
It's perfectly normal to feel shit every now and then, we are all hear to listen to you and help you through the bad days. We have all been there. Just try and stay positive your time will come again and you will get an extra sticky bean next time round.

Michelle x

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