Miscarriage - No Pain

Oct 27, 2006
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Hi girls (and boys).
I sadly miscarried over the weekend, went to hospital for normal and internal scan. Doctor could not find anything (i was 6 weeks and 2 days). I was just wondering if anyone else had miscarried with no pain? It still hasn't sunk in because i feel 'normal' for all i have been bleeding since Friday, started light, then heavy and now very light again? It's so confusing!

Hi Laura- sorry to hear your news :cry:

I had a missed miscarriage so it was only detected at the dating scan so can't help you with the bleeding thing but just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you :hug: :hug:
oh hun im so sorry for your loss, i felt fine as well and didnt find out until i went for my first scan when i saw the baby but no heartbeat. Your bleeding will vary for a while i had a D and C and bleed a small amount for a couple of days then a lot more, i would say if you feel any different pain wise or have really heavy bleeding or your concerned then speak to hosp or doc but im sure everything will be fine.

Look after yourself hun and if you ever need to chat you can PM me anytime but we are all hear for you. Sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: x x
Hi Laura,

I misscarried over the weekend 14th/15th October and I didn't get any pain. But just knew because of the amount of blood and then confirmed by scan.

I then continued with a light period for 4 days.

Hope your ok, I'm happy to answer any questions.

V x
i'm really sorry to hear this hun :hug:

i had a missed miscarriage with no pain at first, no bleeding either.

its a really confusin time take some time to relax :hug:
Im sorry to hear your news hun, I had this too. I miscarried at a little over 5 weeks, I was expecting pain, especially as I normally get period pain, but I got nothing, Just a slighly lighter than normal period for about 5 days. It made me feel that they were wrong and I haddnt miscarried at all, as I was expecting to be doubled over in pain.

On a good note, I managed to concieve again straight after, as I think it can make you a bit more fertile.

All the best for the future hun.
Aw Laura, :cry: sorry to hear your news doll, :hug: I was 11 weeks when i missed miscarried, I got some spotting which alerted me, then scan confirmed it, later on the same day I got slight period type cramps, nothing to painful,, then i had an awful time, not pain just hemmoraging etc...
Anyway, I am sorry that you find yourself here now, This forum is a great support and the girls here Really know how you feel and woll give as much support as you want, Take care doll, and be kind to yourself, it's very early days so try not to stress too much,
Lv Yvoone xx

13 weeks pregnant today. Had some spotting today which was pinky-brown so phoned midwife who told me to go to hospital to have a scan. Scan was due this Thursday at 13w 6d. I have had light spotting (brown and watery) from week 5 to week 8 and since occasional very light staining when I wipe and occassional discharge with browny streaks through it.

They first of all tried to listen to babys heartbeat and could find nothing. They then did the ultrasound, again nothing. They then did the vaginal probe and all they could see was an empty sac but they could definitely see the sac. They told me not too worry and we will get a scan done by the experts on Monday as they were not trained on this machine and the machine wasnt very good.

I dont understand how the sac can be seen but not a baby. My last period was 15/09/2006 and I did not get a period on 13/10/2006 as expected. I then had weeks of all day sickness, fatigue and had a positive pregnancy test. I miscarried at 8 weeks in May this year and knew when I passed the baby as you could see it in the blood and I bled a lot of bright red blood. This time has only been light brown-watery spotting and I definitely havent passed anything out.

Help, I am so confused, they have told me to wait until Monday to get the scanning department to do the scan but I am so worried.

Has anyone else experienced this and how did it work out for you. Is it possible that I am earlier on and this is why it cant be seen?

Thanks for any advices.
Hi Laura,

jenimac here. Just posted a general query onto your reply, sorry. It is my first time posting and obviously not too sure how to do it. Managed to post my query on to the forum now. I hope everything passes smoothly and quickly for you and that you can move on. All the best. :hug:

Sorry to hear of your loss, I had a m/c last weekend with no pain only some blood when wiped from being at the toilet and also some of the brown discharge stuff a few days later i had a few pains in my sides and stomach but havent had another period as such. I had an ultra sound done and there was nothing left at all i also had the internal thing.

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