Dont know what to think!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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it has now been 16 days since my positive opk and still no sign of AF :eh:

On Wednesday I started to get cramps but they arent like my normal stomach churning af cramps but more like I have a stitch in my tummy and when I lay on my back it feels like a tugging pain!! :shock:

Yesterday I was back and forth to the loo all day but put that down to drinking loads of squash the day before :eh:

Arghhhhhh I dont know what to do.... all the time she stays away I have a small glimmer of hope ... but I am scared that if I test it will come back a BFN !!!

What do you all think??

To test or not to test..... that is the question ????
I would test :poas:
At least the you will know either way cos 16 dpo it should show up ! :dust:
I agree that you should test because it should show, best to get your BFN when it's just a glimmer of hope rather than when your just about convinced.

It's only better to wait if your feeling very grounded imo.

Are you still on Angus Castus?

Fingers crossed for you Vicky xx
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Yeah I know it will probably show I just dont know if I am ready to deal with the reality of it being a big fat negative!!
Nope I came off the Agnus Castus .. decided to cut out all the stuff I was taking and go back to the basics so now I just take Folic Acid!!

Yeah I think your right Louise if she isnt here by tomorrow then I will test in the morning and get it over with!!
Nope I came off the Agnus Castus .. decided to cut out all the stuff I was taking and go back to the basics so now I just take Folic Acid!!

I was just wondering if your cycle length might be a bit unstable and on the up again.
I am having my longest cycle yet, but as I know I ovulated 16 days ago I would asume that AF should put in an apperance round about now .. I know there is something going on as I have had tummy pains for the past three days now, as they started exactlty two weeks after my positive opk I think it must be AF!!

Arghhh I dont know what to think anymore..... I want this so much that the idea of it actually happening just seems to far fetched, on top of my long cycles maybe I am now being tortured with an extra long luteal phase as well!!
Yes I think you're right, luteal should be the same :)

I hate being made to wait! Really think it's about time you got your BFP and we're due a BFP on the testing thread :good:
Good luck testing tomorow - keep the witch away!!!
Good luck for tomorrow Vicky!

Really hope you get your BFP! xx
I was checking my diary to check on previous cycles and my luteal phase seems to have varied from 14 to 17 days, but to be honest I couldnt tell you if they were all exact.

Well fingers crossed tomorrow I have some good news!!

Thank you for all your lovely messages x x
good luck with testing tomorrow :dust:
:pray: you get ur BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best of luck tomorrow love - :dust: and bfp wishes!! Xxxx
Good luck for testing tomorrow Vicky!

And please don't be disheartened if it is a BFN (I have everything crossed that is's not) just remember how long it took me to concieve and that was after alot of long cycles!


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