Dont feel pregnant :(


Active Member
Feb 28, 2012
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Hey everyone, ok i know this might sound weird or it might be normal but i really dont feel pregnant anymore. Im around 7 to 8 weeks. I found out i was pregnant between 2-3 wks and since then i had most of the symptoms like nausea, backache, really full and sore boobs and mild cramps but now it seems everything has vanished. I actually did feel pregnant and now i dont. my boobs arnt full or sore anymore either. Im really worried and not sure wot 2 do. This is my second pregnancy and i dont remember this happening with my son. Please help has this happened 2 anyone else? Also i have no bleeding and no cramps X
Hey everyone, ok i know this might sound weird or it might be normal but i really dont feel pregnant anymore. Im around 7 to 8 weeks. I found out i was pregnant between 2-3 wks and since then i had most of the symptoms like nausea, backache, really full and sore boobs and mild cramps but now it seems everything has vanished. I actually did feel pregnant and now i dont. my boobs arnt full or sore anymore either. Im really worried and not sure wot 2 do. This is my second pregnancy and i dont remember this happening with my son. Please help has this happened 2 anyone else? Also i have no bleeding and no cramps X

Think this is quite a common feeling hun - are you 7-8 weeks from conception or from lmp?

Try not to worry, but if you are really concerned give EPU a call, as they do say to call them if your symptoms disappear
Try not to worry too much hun, symptoms come and go - mine disappeared week 9 and came back the last couple of days xx
If you're not bleeding I wouldn't worry too much. My SIL didn't even know she was pregnant til she was almost in her 2nd tri because she had no symptoms at all.

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Hey! I feel like this too I had a thread earlier last week called not feeling pregnant and loads of girls on here are the same! Count ourselves lucky at the minute :) x

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