6 weeks PG but no symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Hi all,
Probably worrying myself about nothing but I'm 6 weeks PG and dont really have any symptoms. I have felt sick a couple of times but havent been sick, I had slightly sore boobs but they dont feel too sore anymore, basically I dont feel pregnant at all.

Is this normal?

hun try not to worry to much... some women don't even know that they are pregnant at this time, i didn't start to feel sick till about 7-8

and some times my boobs hurt, and some days they didn't

don't worry hun your fine :hug: :hug:
Thank you so much :hug:

You have made me feel much better :D

Hey hun you might just be lucky and get nothing. Im 17 weeks and still don't feel pregnant, haven't been sick or anything. Obviously i know everything is fine as i've seen the baby and heard the heartbeat. I wouldn't worry hun.
Thank you Lind..cant wait for scan to know that all is ok

Hope you're right and I have a symptom free pregnancy :D

well hun some people go through symptom free others go through it badly. dont worry either is normal take care :hug: :hug:
Hi jools.

I've not really got anything apart from the odd ache, fuller (.)(.)s and the slightest sicky feeling really occasionally.

We're exactly the same stage, so hopefully we can both take heart from the fact that we feel very similar.

Hi KJ,

Glad to know you're feeling the same :D

Pregnancy is nerve wracking isnt it?!! :?

tell me about it!!!

I'm hoping to get a scan next week and I can't wait. If I can just see it, and see the heart beating I'll feel 100 times better!

kj you say you are trying to get a scan next week. I'd love an early scan as i have no idea when i was ovulating and therefore no precise date for bubs to come out.

any ideas how to get an early scan?????? i was thinking about playing really dumb about last af. have a really nice gp so any small reason should make him cave.

i really want to know exactly how pregnant i am so i can moniter the development and tell dp etc.

:hug: kirst

well I do know when I ovulated as I was using OPKs. I told my GP this, but becasue my cycles are 42days, she said I needed a dating scan!

Hence I got an early appointment with the midwife. I told her the same thing and she also said, oh well with your cycles you're 8 weeks. I'm like, no I'm 6 weeks cause I know when I ovulated!! But she said I needed a dating scan. So I've got to phone the hospital on friday to book it. She said it should be within a week after I phone.

How weird that they stick doggedly to the last af rule, when I know I'm right!! Oh, well, at least I get a scan out of it!!

have appointment in half an hour!
going to explain that i have no idea when i ovulated as it must have been really early to get my bfp 10 days before af was due!

hopefully it will work if not i'm going to ask how much it is for a private scan.

will post when i get in

hope your all ok :hug:

Hi Kirsty,

hope all goes well at the appointment.

I got my BFP at 10dpo also! Some women have higher hCG levels than others. Either that or I'm having twins!!

Let me know how it goes.

Explained everything to the dr and she was so confused she immediately offered me an early scan. :D

It will be in two weeks as i need to def be a certain no of weeks for it to be accurate.

I'm so excited!
That's great news Kirsty!

I'll hopefully know when mine is by this friday.

Here's hoping it's sometime next week. The suspense is killing me!!

ohhh I am jealous. I am 7 + 5 days pg and my scan isnt until I am 13 + 2 days!!!

Gonna try and get it moved forward as I too am so paranoid and need to see it badly. I had sore boobs, extreme dizziness, disturbed sleep etc at 3 weeks (when I found out) now all I have is tiredness and bloating so am paranoid...
Ive had no symptoms apart from being super tired and sore boobs. I spoke to soon though as Im 8 weeks now and have felt soooo sick today to the point of gagging on the way home and Im totally off my food. :(
What are we like eh? We complain when we have symptoms and complain when we dont have them!!

This is all just new to me...

with my previous two children I only found out when I was 2 months gone but with this one I have known since I was 3 weeks so it feels like a long haul to me and more time to think about early symptoms!!

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